Relationship Coach

Your chance is here

Your solution exists and it is possible

The ‘honeymoon’ stage is over, you are living your ‘everyday’ life, balancing between relationship, work, family, friends, personal care, time, money stories, …
Only the balance is difficult and more often than not, the relationship gets pushed further and further back on the list of importance as other things seem to need your attention urgently, you rate them more crucial.
Then comes a moment in time when it usually starts by you feeling something is off.
You are not at your best, most comfortable, happiest.
You try figuring out what it may cause it, so you zoom in: it is in/around/because of your relationship … here you get stuck for a while as you don’t really know what to do / how to do it / where to start.
More confusion, crappy feelings get stronger, the need to do something grows and within this circle a downward spiral starts that keeps pulling you even more down.
Then you build the courage to try something you heard, read, been told about to do.
You do it.
Only it doesn’t bring immediate solution, your partner does not react ‘by the book’, or/and it makes the matter even more confusing.

Does the above ring any bell for you?
Are you somewhere in this?
Were you going through something like this in your previous (and the one before, …) relationship?