
Although in a relationship and in sex everything is connected with everything else, everything influences everything else – here we made 3 categories to help you find easier what you might be looking for.
Among the videos are no overlapping between the categories, unlike the blog posts where it is possible you will find a post under two or even under all three categories.
Hope you will have a pleasant browsing that results in some helpful realization, guidance, affirmation.

Self vs. World

About things that the ‘world/society’ is telling, pushing, demanding how and what they should be but you only feel discomfort, irritation or even pain, as you are different.
It’s all about how you have all the right to be you!


Anything that can, does or best if, occur in an (intimate) relationship and how to handle these things, emotions, feelings on a better way.      Also about the importance of communication – the backbone of any good, balanced relationship.

Sex & Kink

Sex, although a huge part of life, is still being a hush-hush talking subject and that is just plain stupid. So I talk about it and encourage you to do the same.
Plus a definition: ‘All fetishes are kinks but not all kinks are fetishes.’