Relationship Coach

Your chance is here

Your solution exists and it is possible

Sex. Everybody talks about it. Nobody is talking about it.
One of the craziest anomalies of life.
Especially daunting when one realizes, something in this field is not as one would wish it to be.
Your ‘something’ is one on a huge palette of possible issues. It is astounding how many different troubles are existing.
Those who are strong enough to realize and admit that there is a ‘hiccup’ in their life around sex, are then facing the next challenge to figure out how to solve it.
Who to ask?
Who to talk to about it?
What ‘by Google’ to believe to?
Often family is out of the question as their views and yours are just not on the same page.
Friends? Maybe not the best idea either, as there is the risk of them not understanding you, of ‘what will they think’, of them judging, or simply giving you advice that are based on their knowledge and ideas that possibly are not relevant or feasible to you.
Your partner? Holy shit, how? You crazy? I can’t tell her/him that!
Or you might have tried it, only it didn’t bring the response and/or result you wished for.

So now you are there that there is something you want to deal with, to make it better, to change, only you are sinking back into yourself and are grinding, feeling bad, confused, even anxious about it as you don’t quite know how you could deal with it.
But you are still looking. And therefore, you are here.