Relationship Coach

Fallen angels – a ‘what if’ concept

In a recent discussion where we were talking about life, relationships, sex, music, he showed me a song.
In its lyrics fallen angels were mentioned … that started some thoughts in me …

What if we – people –  were all fallen angels?
What if we really all are children of God?
What if life, as we call it here on Earth, is a process we are sent to go through to learn?
What if Earth is the school of Heaven?
What if we all really are coming from and going to the same place?
What if soul is real and is eternal?
What if our soul is our angelic being?

For many of you, I guess, it sounds crazy but bare with me a bit longer, please.

Angels do not have a hierarchy, have no race, no colour, no religion, no possessions.
All they have, all they are, is love.
They see each other as same.

So, if it was the truth, we were all fallen (to Earth) angels, would that help you to see yourself and others in a different light?
Would that help you to understand that you are no less, no more than the next person?
Would this make it a bit lighter to deal with jerks around you because then they are only playing a role in your life so you can complete your learning?
Would that help you to deal with death a little easier, since if this scenario is the truth, then it means one goes when the task, the learning is done, and the soul is getting back into its angelic being?

Yes, I know, a lot of ‘but-s’ are coming … my only ‘but’ though, is that if this is helping you in any way to get onto better terms with yourself, to make it even a tad bit easier to get that grip on life, to see love as a never ending source in you, then might as well you can take it and use it.

What if we all are fallen angels with a mission, with some dark and some light in all of us and what if denying any of this means denying our true nature?