People of the Internet

‘He got hot and cold from the people of the Internet’ – was a sentence in an article I read yesterday.

It is astonishing to me how with this wording it becomes an entity, independent from us.
And unless I missed the note that there is another race such as ‘Internet people’ living on Earth, and they are other than people people, than the reality must be that ‘the people of the Internet’ are us!
All of us, the people who post, ask, comment, rate, buy, sell, use the Internet.
And that means that all the nice and all the ugly comes from us.

All is good as long as it is nice, fun and/or supportive.
The issue already starts here.

Since people are different, have different morals (or none at all), come from different cultural backgrounds, have different understanding of the world, already fun and supportive have plenty of different interpretations.

For example, pranks are big nowadays.
Thousands of videos are up on the net with different ones, and some became trends, meaning someone did one which they filmed, put it up on the Internet and others started to copy it and showing their version of it.
All that means that there are many people who like this, like to watch it, like taking part in it, who consider it as fun.

On the other hand, there are many who don’t like pranks.
The logical and simple solution would be for those people not to watch them.
And of course, many does exactly that.
However, there are those who don’t like pranks yet still watch them and feel the need to comment something not nice or even nasty.

As for being supportive, the same applies as above.
Of course, again there are the genuinely supportive comments.

Unfortunately another category is when the commenter might feel it is support but in reality, they only belittle, hurt the poster of the original content.
Surely, you’ve seen some of these, like someone says they have a headache, nothing seems to help, and a person reacts like no worries, it will go, be happy it is only a headache and nothing serious.
That is not support!

The Internet is full of people who seemingly have nothing better to do than posting their opinion in every and all situations.
You know, like someone celebrates their weight loss and those bitter bums write ‘who cares’ or ‘yeah, nice photoshop’ or ‘is not the same person’.
Or someone writes they got a promotion and are happy about it. Comes bitter bum saying ‘show off’ while the other bitter bum writes ‘yeah, aren’t you too old for this position, shouldn’t you have been there years ago?’.
Or one says it seems to be difficult to maintain a happy relationship. Bitter bum comments ‘be happy you have one’, or ‘who cares’, or ‘well, if you can’t maintain it, maybe you shouldn’t have it’.
Or someone started gardening and are posting photos of their progress in their garden. Yes, bitter bum will be quick to comment like ‘well, not much to show off, is there’, or ‘yeah, good try but you should plant so and so instead that and should grow that taller and the other should be trimmed better’, or ‘ah, well, anyway, here look at my photos’.

You get the idea, don’t you’!?

Whatever you do, create, show on the Internet, you must know there always be those bitter bums who will try to pull you down, humiliate you, try to overshadow you and some of them will even be plain ugly.
All will have advice for you, regardless if you asked for it or not.
And they will be contradicting!

Bitter bums are people who you have no idea who they are.
Exactly the same as is with society.
The expression ‘people of the Internet’ and the word ‘society’ are both referring to masses of people who you have no idea who they are, and they have no idea, and don’t even care who you are.
Some of the ‘bb’s are not even ready to show themselves, are only a faceless ‘ghost’ on the Internet.

These commenting, advising bitter bums mustn’t interest you at all.
They are people who have shallow lives, not much they can show as achievements, they are narrow minded, have no guts to sort themselves, their lives out, so all they do is attack and blame others.
Do not pay attention to them.
You do not need their, nor anyone’s approval to be you.

When you want to show off some of your achievements, whatever it may be, anything that is important to you, just do it!

The ’people of the Internet’ have no idea who you are, what wars you are fighting, what life you are living.
They have no right to criticize you in any way.

To protect yourself from these negative vibes, when you have some questions in regards of anything, don’t ask them, but find an expert you trust and ask that person.

Be you, be kind and be selective who do you listen to!