Waking up or falling down

When the US supreme court rules against women having full control over their own body,
when a war is going on in Europe,
when the Taliban took over Afghanistan again,
when in Hungary the government is planning to bring back administrative structures that root in the Middle Ages,
when while the whole world is just trying to recover from 2 years of major pain it already is getting threatened with other similar crap,
when politics and religions are used purposefully to  divide people, to turn them against each other,
when the media workers forgot their profession and are serving nearly exclusively the highest paying ‘client’,
when for the sake of more money and power corporations are killing the Earth,
when sick people (kids and grown up alike) and people down on their luck need to ask the public for financial aid to survive because governments are not doing their job well,
when cultural events are in need of public funding because otherwise would not be possible for them to happen,
when …

As I see it, from the elected superiors mostly comes crap.
They are fast and furious in taking people’s hard-earned money as different taxes, are coming up and imposing rules and laws onto people where they only ‘forget’ to consult the experts of the given area and more and more often, more and more of them act like they have lost all contact with reality.

Basically, it very much seems to me that the world is only working yet because the people are doing and contributing way more than it could be called ‘normal’.
On many occasions I even wonder what is a government doing, what is the benefit for the people of having, paying one to be.

So, I am convinced in case anyone wants to change anything for the better, the only way is by the individual.
Meaning that if anyone wants to live in a better, more kind, more liveable world then one must start with self!
Tough job it may sound but in reality, it does not need to be.
Any small kind act you do, starts a positive ripple effect that may get larger than you would ever imagine possible.
A smile, a kind word, truly listening ears, a compliment, a helping hand, a thoughtful small gift, all have the power to change one’s day for the better.
And then that person may will continue spread the kindness as s/he will be in a better mood and might want to share it further and so on and so on.
Hopefully one day in the not too distant future we will get there that the kind, thoughtful, caring people will be the majority and will take over the world.
When humanity will realise and understand that the masses of the so called little people together are having a way bigger power then the few on the top of the pyramid, and finally understand that when us down here start to move together, those not so liked ones on the top will fall off!

Any other option, like not getting nicer, not taking personal responsibility, not realising and starting to use the power of unity for the betterment of life, not getting the over spilling ego and greed under control will lead to an ugly, nasty, unliveable world or in worst case to the end of the world as we know it.
Look at history, every (Mayan, Greek, Roman, Aztec, Inca, …) civilization, regardless how great they were, fell in the end!
Wouldn’t it be high time to learn something from the past?!?
It is all there. The greatness, the falls, the reasons, the consequences.

So, in short, wake the fuck up, people!

We can have, do and be better.
Be kind, spread love and enjoy the ride!