Where is the love?

Woman, man, young, old, coloured, white, straight, gay, thin, fat, religious, atheist, short, tall … one thing is mutual, all are member of the one human race and all share the one Earth.

Wherever you are at, whatever you have achieved, fighting at, whomever you love, it is all your business, nobody else’s!
You might share it, talk about it, you might keep it all to yourself but nobody has the right to put you down, belittle, bully, criticize, judge or punish you for it.

Throughout history oh so many well-known figures were trying to get the point across that saying negative things about someone else does not make you any better, to hate anything or anyone will not bring you love, to deny different point of views will not make yours true nor right!

Nowadays when news and fake news travel with light speed, we have to be even more aware of all those warnings.

Nowadays when politicians, corporations and media are only after money and power and for that they are not shy of spreading straight, fat lies to heat up hatred among whomever benefits them the most, we, the people, the individual, have to be more open, inclusive, compassionate and we have to understand finally that love is the only valid emotion that can move us forward and break walls down.

All the negativity in and around us just helps those who are using the world as if everything and everyone was their puppet.

And if we don’t do our share now, they will win and that my friend would be a very sad and soon to come end to this world!

Don’t give in!
You are better than that! You know better than that!

Don’t put anyone down just because you don’t like what they do, they might not like what you do.

Don’t belittle anyone because that can be the last straw for one to be pushed over the edge.

Don’t bully just because someone else is doing it too but make it stop.

Don’t criticize because that hurts and when you will get criticized you will hurt too.

Don’t judge because you hate to be judged too.

Don’t hate because … because why would you??? Brings nothing worthy nor valuable to you.

And most of all, don’t wait for the big guys to do anything for you.
No politician, no government will look out for your best interest. (Yes, there are a very few who try to change things for the better on that level too but presently they are just a handful of Don Quijotes against plenty gigantic windmills.)
They, in general, don’t give a shit about you!

This is why they send you to wars to fight for their interest while they keep enjoying luxury.

This is why they deny, forbid resources from you to make you use things that bring them more money.

This is why they tell you who to hate, so your hate helps them to gain more power and money.

This is why they fabricate the news so you are played with as it pleases them.

Wake up!
Use your brain!

Research, talk, ask, exchange, communicate with people from all walks of life.
Broaden your horizon.

Have your own opinion, don’t just pick up some that was spitted at you.

Actually, it is really simple: the more informed, educated, positive you become, the more you see the whole, big picture, the more chance we all have for a peaceful, united, healthy, happy world!

Just let love rule!
