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Luxury or self-respect

In a recent conversation with a friend, who is a professional photographer https://www.anitamegyesi.com/, she said: ‘you know, we, the coach and the photographer, we count as luxury, don’t you!?’ For a moment I was taken aback, so she started to explain her statement: people have a kind of ranking of what needs to be paid […]

Duck or rabbit?

Here we are at the end of another year. Don’t know about you but I for sure can say it was a trying one. And as I look around me, with certainty I can say there are many joining this sentiment about 2023. Let it be relationships, personal life, professional settings, economy, whatever segment of […]

Mental health

Mental health is a hot topic. There are conferences, videos, researches, summits happening, articles and opinions are on every possible platform over the Internet. Many are amazing sources of information, knowledge, help, and some are doing nothing more than add to the harm. Yesterday I heard a sentence that hit me hard, and triggered me […]

When the puzzle falls apart

There are times in life when you find yourself in situations where you have no idea how did you get there, why did you get there. There are times in life when you have no idea what you should be doing, in which direction should you be going, what could be your next best move. […]

How not to be obtuse

The Internet is a great thing. With its help we can stay in contact with one another even across the world, we can find out any information in a few minutes, we can watch movies, listen to music, have a look at basically any location of the world, and so on. And exactly this is […]

Your fucking truth

Although I always have a lot what I want to say, to write, somehow today I just couldn’t come up with the right words. Kept trying, wrote something, then something else but I didn’t like any of them. In my upsetness with myself I started to roam around the internet. And suddenly, this popped up […]

Tolerance – a rare virtue

It is not the first time when I feel as I am from another planet. When I come across, experience something that I, although putting in the effort to see it from different angles, can’t make sense of, don’t understand it at all, then I get this feeling, surely I am an ‘alien’. Now it […]

Sex and facts

Sex is good. Sex is beneficial to the body and the mind. Sex is fun. Sex is joy. Sex is connection. Human beings by design are sexual beings. For a person of any gender to have sex with one or more legally aged, consenting adult/s of any gender is a personal choice and it has […]

Communication tripping stones

The other day I posted a comment on Facebook. The original post was nicely written and with a question to all who cared to answer, and as you could guess it, some of the answers were not written with goodwill, and some were not even on the subject. So, after reading them all, I wrote […]

Is cheating inevitable?

Lately all the tabloids and social media platforms are full of the stories around the new songs of Shakira, BZRP Music Sessions #53 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CocEMWdc7Ck ) and Miley Cyrus, Flowers ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7KNmW9a75Y  ). Both singers were pouring their thoughts, pain, anger about being cheated on into their respective songs. These instances only show being cheated […]