Important information:
in case you are a member of the so called “snowflake” tribe, who always takes offence on behalf of everyone and everything because you imagine nearly all communication being an attack, then save yourself the heartache and don’t read me.
Thank you.


In my thinking, writing, views I tend to get controversial, explicit, sometimes even vulgar, I say as I think, as I feel. No need to think of what might be behind of what I write.
With me is what you see is what you get. 

The so labelled politically correct communication, in my opinion, equals to beating around the bush and sometimes even to plain bullshit. 

I do believe that this phenomenon is polluting our communication because it drives away from real.

Also I find that it became a super shield to all who find pleasure in getting offended, who have nothing better than jump out of their skin every single time they hear something that they can’t identify with, uncomfortable to face, don’t understand or have no knowledge about.

Being politically correct does not equal to being honest or being right and not being politically correct does not equal to being rude or offensive.


What I believe in is the open, honest, straight forward communication.

Which means and allows all participants to may have different opinions, to may be in disagreement, to may be in agreement to disagree – and all that allows real conversations, having real ideas to clash, having to go through pros and cons and coming to real understanding of one another.


Just like in a relationship and in sex – if a conversation is not totally honest, even raw at times, if it is not telling of the real needs and wishes, then it gets nowhere, means nothing and paves the highway to disappointments, withdrawal, closing in and to break up.


So, I rather just keep it real and honest.