What do I do?

In this post I want to talk about my sex coaching as lately I got some questions and run into assumptions that were incorrect.

The emphasis is on my sex coaching as there are many different types out there, that vary not only in style but also in what they focus on.
There are sex teachers who help couples with the actual act of sex, show them what and how is possible, new ways and so on.
There are other educators who do similar work but specify on self-exploration.
Of course there are those professionals who help in case of any physical issues.
Obviously, there are some overlapping among all.

When you chose someone to work with, you have to understand the focus of their work and see if that aligns with you, with what and where you wish to be helped forward.

What I do is I work with you on you, on your mindset, your thinking, your soul, your possible hidden triggers and other similar ‘woowoos’ that can play part in why you do not enjoy sex as much as you could/should/would like to.

What does that even mean?
That when sex is not as one wishes it to be, and often even when one has some physical issues, there is nearly always some never thought of underlying issues, connections that one was not even thinking of that can do anything with their sex life.

More specifically, although it is true that sex is a physical action, it gets at its best only when one’s mind and soul are in it and are all in alignment.

To help you understand even more easily, let me use some examples.
Like the young man, who was dating, having relationships with women, and never felt content, always felt something is not right.
When we worked together, I asked, he answered, I made him go deep within himself, made him see who he really was/wanted to be, worked on deleting the stress points, the blocks, the dogma he was fed to and finally came his realization and acceptance, he is gay.
He became true to himself and is leading a happy life since.

The intelligent, bright woman in her late 30s who said sex was OK, but she never understood what the big wow was about it, and she kind of grew curious whether she was missing something.
Yes, she absolutely was, she realized it while working together.
She was ‘programmed’ to be a good wife, to take what she gets, to not have needs, to not nag her husband for more/less/different.
What a happily shocking surprise it was to her when finally she talked to her husband who was first completely taken aback with what she revealed but then was happy and willing to have an ongoing communication and exploration to up their sex life that is by now mutually satisfying, better than ever before.

Or the man who is a professional, strong, kind family man and in his 40s started to feel more and more often some sexual dissatisfaction.
His mind was telling him some stories, but it was conflicting his soul, his taught ways of how sex should be, and he had no knowledge of how to communicate his inner conflict to his partner.
While working together he learned to allow himself to have whatever feelings were coming up in him run their course, to be open and vulnerable in his communication to his partner, to bring up to her his new interest, discuss it and got to the point where they were able to start out on a new, mutually satisfying road in sex together.

You see, although sex itself is a physical act, when one is not knowing her/himself well, is not happy with her/himself, when that little inner voice is saying something else than what the ‘routine’ is, when sex becomes a routine, when listening to self and communicating with the partner/s is lacking or in the worst cases is not even existing, when mind, soul and body are not in harmony then it is impossible to have a fully satisfying, best ever sex life.

To achieve that harmony is where I help you when you come to work with me.
To reach the most self- identical, authentic self of you, and with that to have/do/enjoy the most of a mind-blowing, fully satisfying, fun, spontaneous, well communicated, amazing sex life.