The power of balance

On the Northern Hemisphere autumn is in, what means shorter days, less sunshine and a fast-approaching winter.

Nature, the only perfect design on Earth, knows what it is doing.
Fauna and flora are preparing.
Squirrels are stocking up on nuts, bears are making their caves comfortable, fishes are finding the best spots in the bottom of bodies of water, trees are letting their leaves fall, all are preparing for the cold weather.
For nature it is obvious that it needs some rest, regeneration, and growth in order to flourish.
It knows that all needs and takes time.
For it is no question that life is about balance and circles.

On the other hand humans, who nowadays live in the so called civilized world, who once upon a time understood the laws of nature and lived by them, in harmony with them – unlike all indigenous nations who are still living so –, by now are completely ignoring them.
Let themselves fall into the trap of endlessly chasing success and results, keep themselves under constant performance pressure, married to stress, more and bigger is always the aim, nothing is enough, nothing is good enough, balance became a ‘spiritual woo-woo’ concept.
All that resulted in enormous number of people suffering from anxiety, depression and other mental health issues, millions are unhappy, countless are in survival mode instead of living.
And we call this the civilized world – how funny and arrogant.

You can fight it, you can disagree with it, you can deny it, can come up with all the excuses and counterarguments, can say it is cliché;
none will change the truth of the matter, that balance is a must for a fully lived life.

No one has a long, happy and healthy life being constantly on.
Medical statistics clearly show that heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, cancer and so on, all are consequences of an overstressed lifestyle.
And that means both professional as well as private life.
Not only you have to have days off of work on a fairly regular schedule, when you are truly off, without calls, emails and the like but you have to have some time off of your usual routinely private life too.
Humans perform best when they give themselves time to rest, regenerate and grow, exactly as nature is doing it.

Especially nowadays, when in the ‘civilised’ world we are all exposed to a non-stop flow of information and impulses both online and off, our mind, heart and soul NEED some breaks.

Everyone must find that hobby, that activity, that sport, that whatever, that one is happy to indulge in, and is able and is doing without any kind of pressure.
Nothing that one does competitively will help as that is also stress on the human system.

Reading to get lost in different worlds, knitting for the sake of knitting, doing photography with the only intension of recording something for the future, listening to or making music to let it take you to another headspace, playing games for the sake of being together and connecting, gardening for its beauty, doing some DIY things for the enjoyment of the process and the final product, doing any kind of sports for its excitement, for the joy of spending time with the team mates or fellow sportsmen, connecting to nature by sitting on a seaside and watching a sunrise or sunset, going for walks, hikes, runs for to simply clear the mind and be with self and nature, these all can help to find balance.

On and off, fighting and relaxing, feeling sad and feeling happy, being emotional and being logical, keep on enduring and changing directions, physical and spiritual … they all are components of life.
There is no universal way to reach balance, for each it is different how to get there and be in that state when body, mind and soul are healthy, joyous and full of life.

If you haven’t yet, I urge you to set out to find your own way.
When you may be too far in the opposite direction, when you have no clue where and how to start, look for and use help.
It is always a profitable investment.
It worth all the effort, as finding and being in balance will benefit you in leading a happy, enjoyable, healthy, loving life.

It is a rewarding achievement.