Relationship Coach

About ‘it’

Although countless invisible it is around us, one took over the world by having the largest press cover, major PR and full-blown marketing.

What it brings in its tow it is even more disturbing.
Because what this thing really is or is about, is with a high chance we will never fully find out but for sure, a point in time will come when it will be gone.
What it has brought, more than its it-ness will stay with us unfortunately way longer.

With its widespread and crafted publicity it managed to drive a huge wedge between people.
They started labelling one another like ‘believers’ and ‘deniers’.

Open any social media, start any conversation, be anywhere, connect to anyone and in about 2 minutes it will be the subject and arguments will start.
Often fierce ones and many times in a petty manner.
It will be about if it is real or not, if it is deadly or not, whether to wear a mask or not, if quarantine is a good solution or not …
… while people don’t seem to realize that they got forced out of their own lives, got pulled into a nasty ‘soap opera’ where they pretend that the world can be stopped.
It can’t. It won’t. Earth is spinning and life goes on. Regardless.

It got so loud that it shouts louder than many facts, like
– domestic violence cases are growing in numbers fast
– health care systems are falling apart and people are dying of fully unrelated illnesses
– millions lost their jobs, businesses
– education got messed up and at many cases stopped
– mental health issues are at an alarming high … and the list goes on.

In the meantime due to the sweeping it campaign people got blindsided and are not realizing that their choices, dignity, freedom, life got taken away from them.

Pointing fingers at, arguing with, accusing another person will not help your scarily well planted fears.
Will not make you feel better, lighter but actually the exact opposite.

What I believe in, is that now we really need to be there for one another.
Compassion, caring and love are the tools we need to use.

Although the surface is nothing but it, below it life keeps giving challenges to each and every one of us.
There are physical and material losses, heartbreaks, pains as well as are amazing, happy moments, new beginnings.
Life did not stop. It is in progress, it is happening, it is not waiting for anyone, for anything.

Before you fall into the next bitter argument about it, think!
It is fact and it is a universal law that the more we talk, think of, entertain any idea, thought or story, the more present it will be in our lives.
So although it is a huge, dark cloud above us all, just make the effort to feel better, to do better, to be better.

Don’t be the virus but be the cure!