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Annoyed and ranting

Sexuality is part of every human being. Sex is an activity exercised by most human beings. It is obvious that there are many problems around these subjects worldwide, rooting in not understanding, not knowing, in lack of support, in lack of self-knowledge, self-acceptance and self-confidence. Of course, in these cases, as with anything, education is […]

Mind games – the best kind

Warning: NOT for the faint of heart! Sex is not a purely physical activity. I mean great sex is not. It all starts in the mind. What do I mean? Well, in a loving, healthy, balanced relationship the partners want to get to know one another, they want to do things that the other likes, […]

Everything is energy

Everything is energy. It is science, it is fact. It was expressed by Nikola Tesla as well as Albert Einstein and when it comes to science, they are kinda reliable sources 😉 On many different level spirituality is speaking about energy too. Like right now a very intense happening is on; from the 26th of […]

People of the Internet

‘He got hot and cold from the people of the Internet’ – was a sentence in an article I read yesterday. It is astonishing to me how with this wording it becomes an entity, independent from us. And unless I missed the note that there is another race such as ‘Internet people’ living on Earth, […]

Waking up or falling down

When the US supreme court rules against women having full control over their own body, when a war is going on in Europe, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan again, when in Hungary the government is planning to bring back administrative structures that root in the Middle Ages, when while the whole world is just […]

Wanting your ex back

‘How do I get my ex back?’ – a friend asked me, and that question led to a long conversation and to some beautiful healings for them. That experience made me think more about this phenomenon. Here is what I am wondering: what makes you want your ex back? I mean you just broke up […]

Partners or/and parents

A couple of days ago I attended a business get together. The initial aim was networking and helping each other forward. After some who is who, the discussions soon turned away from the original subjects and became one about relationships, more precisely about whether it is possible to keep a partnership alive and thriving when […]

Living in the now

What do we all have for sure? The moment we are in. I know! You heard it a million times already; but have you ever given a real thought to it? And I don’t mean any spiritual, superstitious, metaphysical way but the very real, very human, very down to earth way. Like, let’s say, you […]

Letting your mind wander

Last week I spent by the sea. Needed some change of scenery, some time to see things from a different angle, some time to re/evaluate matters and situations, time to just be. Sitting on the shore, staring at the water is all it takes for me to get lost in thoughts. Surely, I am not […]