Relationship Coach

Circle of hate

Seriously? In the XXI. century we are still here?
Although we are able to send people into space, we can print out literally anything in 3D, we can contact one another across the Globe by the touch of a button … we are still here that because you can’t face your chickenshit life and have no strength to better yourself you turn onto others and spit hate? Really???

White hates coloured. Coloured hates white.
Straight hates gay. Gay hates straight.
Religious hates atheists. Atheist hates religious.
Vegan hates meat eater. Meat eater hates vegan.
Slim hates fat. Fat hates slim.
Graduate hates uneducated. Uneducated hates graduate.

This list is fucking endless!!!

Each and every one of us can be ugly-spoken about, bullied, hated by someone else. We all can be the subject of it.
Do you see the pattern? You hate someone, someone hates you … and so it goes still the last man standing.

OR you can decide to break the circle and stop hating, bullying, ugly-speaking.

Think about it: does this crap brings you anything constructive, good, nice?
Are you any more rich, beautiful, happy, healthy, any more of a better person? Does your sex life, relationship gets any better from it?
Does it bring you ANYTHING?
For once, be honest with yourself: the answer is an absolute NO.

It only takes away from you. Your energy, focus, peace.

So why are you still participating in this fucked up, no win, mostly media/politics generated ‘game’ that does not benefit you in any way?

You were not born with hate in you and this is a proven fact.
You learnt it somewhere along the line and that means you can unlearn it, drop it, close it out of your life.
It only takes one decision to break the circle off.

And then you’ll have more energy, time, attention that you can turn toward anything that does bring you happiness, satisfaction, riches, health, peace.

Be selfish!
Think of what profits you!

It is simple! Just don’t fall for the ‘game’ they are trying to pull you into! There is no benefit in it for you! There is no gain in it for the individual, only politics and sharks profit from it.

Realize that on this planet there are plants, animals and people, and all three types of beings have plenty of variations.
That’s it.
No less.
No more.

Just be! Enjoy life, have fun, make the most of it!