Next Step for me
It was nearly 6 years ago when I started a Facebook page with the intension of sharing some of my thoughts to help to heal, chill, learn, move forward or just simply ‘saying out loud’ some thoughts that one couldn’t or wouldn’t do for her/himself.
Then a little over a year ago, as I had the privilege to work with more and more people through what I grew steadily and continuously both as a coach and as a person, I started this website to do the same in an ‘even more me’ environment and was shifting the emphasis to here.
As of today, I am ready for the next step.
Introducing my YouTube channel:
The planned structure is that every week there will be a video or a blog post, alternately.
Every second week you will have something new to read here and on the week in between a new video will be aired on YouTube.
Hopefully, you will continue to find some positive encouragement in my content and when you get to the point, you will contact me to work together.
Thank you for your ongoing support, positive feedback and encouragement!
As always, I believe it to be true for all of us: the best is yet to come.