The object of my hate

Rarely I use this word, but I can’t say it any other way: I hate what politicians and political parties do under the heading of politics.

Why am I writing this now?
Let me explain.

Because, unfortunately, in more and more countries, politics pervades and negatively affects the life and behaviour of all people to some extent.
Politics affects everyday life.
There are places where this is more, and there are places where it is less obvious.
This is not a spectacular, conscious process for the majority wanting to copy what they see and hear, but rather an insidious, destructive, infectious horror that infiltrates subconsciously.

Every day we are bombarded with what politicians say from all sources of information (TV, radio, press, internet).
Every day we hear and read how one politician/political party vilifies, humiliates, belies, and tries to discredit the other.
As they constantly explain why the other person is vile, why what they do is wrong, why their work, especially their person is despicable.
Of course, it is everyone’s own decision who/what they listen to, what they take into account, to whom and what they believe.

However, the consequences of this style (unstylish!) of public speaking appear in everyday life!
And this is very destructive to the individual, to relationships, to any type of cohabitation, to human coexistence.

Because it’s just like when a parent constantly tells their child that “you’re stupid”, “you’re worthless”, “you’re ugly”.
Sooner or later this becomes ingrained in the child in such a way that s/he believes it, and will live life based on this.
S/he may develop a sense of inferiority, may become anxious, will not even start certain things because s/he is stupid, will give up dreams, if even had them, and so on.

Look around you!
In case of a conflict, how many people start by saying “the other is to blame because …”;
there is little or no tolerance at all towards people who look, think and/or behave “differently”;
that peaceful coexistence is increasingly rare;
that in a conversation/exchange/discussion the “agree to disagree” understanding has almost disappeared;
that the slightest inattention on the part of another person in traffic, or even the exact observance of the rules, causes crazy reactions from many;
and I could go on.

Politicians can and often do take this influencing to extremes.

The roughest and most brutal manifestation of it is war, massacre, I think.
The war, about which Erich Alfred Hartmann, a German fighter pilot during World War II and the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare, said: “War is a place where the young kill one another without knowing or hating each other, because of the decision of old people who know and hate each other, without killing each other.”
An insightful opinion from someone who has found himself actively in the thick of the aftermath, the war.

The “old men”, i.e. the politicians, can do all this (also) in today’s world by convincing the people with amazing marketing that this is the only option, that this is the only way they can protect their country, that this is the price of their freedom.
Then, in the second step, comes the nationalistic “hero-image construction”, where they convince people that they should be proud of their children and grandchildren, who are sent to fight, and that the young people should believe that they will accomplish something very admirable and heroic, even at the cost of their lives.
And mass psychosis is successful, many people believe and accept that it is so.

This is done so successfully by those “old men” that when someone asks questions, then usually the questioner gets attacked, considered crazy, unpatriotic, and uncomprehending.

While the questions are usually logical.
Why should Western democracy be imposed on nations who have never had democracy, but have lived by well-organized operating principles working for them for hundreds, thousands of years?
Why is it usually a country that is attacked that has a lot of natural resources (oil, gas, diamonds, etc.)?
Why does it come up sooner or later in every case that the “old man” who initiated the war is not sane?
How can a religion be used as the banner of a war and kill “in the name of God”?
Why is the oxymoron is not apparent to the masses that one country goes to war against another to create peace?
Why do they rewrite, erase, manipulate to forget history – from which we should and could learn?

Most likely, so that his selfish, greedy, narcissistic, psychopathic (psychological diseases could be listed here) desires and ideas are realized, so that he is right, so that he can have more money and more power in his hands.

How strange that in a relationship we consider the behaviours described above unacceptable, that we want to get rid of the person with such personality traits as quickly as possible, that we condemn manipulation, exploitation, oppression, and the enforcement of selfish interests at the expense of others.
However, we acknowledge, accept, and put up with it when politicians do all this to us.

So, the essence of what has been described so far is that we can only consciously reduce the dirt that is thrown at us under the heading of politics; we have to mitigate and reverse its effects on ourselves and those around us.
For this, we really “just” have to be conscious.
We “just” must remain human.

And if many around the world succeed in this, then the politicians will need to man up, because the crowd will no longer believe and accept their stories, because people will no longer kill each other just because.

This way, we might be able to effectively make “man is a wolf to man”, that has been true for thousands of years, become untrue.

Or is it possible that this whole political thing is such that the bad, undesirable personality traits that people already have come out “automatically” and become stronger when they get into certain positions?
Because even then, the only solution is for everyone to work on themselves, weaken their negative and strengthen their positive sides.