Traffic like relationship

You might find it strange, but I think it’s worth reading.

I assume you take part in traffic.
By car, motorcycle, bike, and even if you are on foot, you still can see, perceive, in some way you are a part of the following.
In theory, traffic has rules, in theory, traffic is like a board game in which you pay/should pay attention to each other, where you can/could show your courteous side.

But why in theory? If you take part in traffic, you already know, but here are some examples of what I think why:
– they go through the red light as if it were mandatory
– if you want to change lanes, it’s a real miracle if someone lets you in
– if you let someone in, that person is indecisive and reacts slowly, because they are so used to being not let in
– at intersections they don’t pay attention to whether they’ll pass fully, they just go because it’s green for them, and if they get stuck in the middle, then ‘so it is’ … but if they can’t move because of someone else got stuck, they curse and threaten
– and my favourite, the turn signal! It is a fucking brilliant invention if you use it! The turn signal used at the right time, indicating the right direction (in which you will actually turn to) helps the others, and makes the course of traffic easier.

For me it is all like a relationship!

But why? Because a good relationship also has rules, and unfortunately for many, these rules are also only exist in theory, if at all.

After all:
– some people go through the red light without thinking, is like they ignore their partner’s boundaries, requests and wishes, they just go and do what and how they think it should be
– changing lanes is like communication, you ask, you tell, you explain, but your partner doesn’t listen, doesn’t care, ignores you
– letting someone in is when you listen, you hear the other person, you are attentive, caring, and the other person is surprised, because s/he was not used to this in their previous relationship/s
– not caring at intersections is an analogy of when one person says, does, makes things within a relationship, but when their partner does or says the same things, they are offended, are fractious
– and for me the turn signal equals communication. If you use it, if you apply it well, the relationship can flow easily and with significantly fewer obstacles. Whereas when you don’t use it, you just expect your partner to know it like a mind-reader that what, when, and how you want, then there will occur many pitfalls and problems.

So for me the parallel is strong.
And so there is place for improvement both in how we behave in traffic as well as in relationships.
What do you think?