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Movies vs. Life

Woah … pure WTF! People are going crazy because in a new movie a sex scene is too dark, showing a man in power taking advantage of a not sober woman. Crowds are flipping out because in another movie a fictional character got portrayed with a different skin colour then before. Some complain that in […]

Traditions, traditional ways

Lately I came across quite a few festivities that I had no clue what they were about and when I asked what they were, why they were the way as they were, I got the answer, it is tradition. The meaning of the word tradition by the Cambridge dictionary is: ‘a belief, principle, or way […]

The power of choice

One always has the choice between saying the truth or lie. Whatever you decide to say in any given situation, has consequences. Sometimes those will affect only you, sometimes a few and sometimes many people. The responsibility though is fully yours. When you are losing people while being honest, voicing your truth then those were […]

Love languages

The other night I was at a dinner party with friends and friends of my friends. It was a great evening with tasty food, lovely company, and nice conversations. At one point in the evening one of the friends of a friend started to tell about their recent break-up. They went on saying that how […]

What do I do?

In this post I want to talk about my sex coaching as lately I got some questions and run into assumptions that were incorrect. The emphasis is on my sex coaching as there are many different types out there, that vary not only in style but also in what they focus on. There are sex […]

Slapping the story of a slap

The world has gone mad, as far as I am concerned. On a stage an actor slapped another actor AFTER a bad, hurtful joke that was on the account of a woman with an illness, the wife of the slapper. Although to joke on any level with anyone’s illness and/or disability is just a plain […]

To dream or not to dream

Have you ever heard, read, been told any of these ‘motivational’ phrases: ‘Never give up’ ‘Keep on going’ ‘If you can dream it, you can become it’ ‘You just need to be determined and you’ll get there’ … and the alike? Sure you have. And you did/do, till comes a day when you find yourself […]

Winning, losing or just loving

In any kind of a relationship, intimate, family, business – in any – there are times when waters get more stormy than usual. It is natural. It is human nature. It is hormones. It is stress. It is worry. It is triggers. It is outside circumstances. It is misunderstanding. It is whatever. It does happen […]

Easy as a restaurant review

Whatever we are talking about, depending on where we are looking, who we are asking, we can find polar opposite views, opinions, experiences about it. Simple example is a restaurant review. There is a nasty, negative rating and on the very same day another happy, positive one. How will you know which one is to […]

A small insight on regrets

In the past couple of days (again) my mind and heart were all about my mum, who passed nearly 3 years ago. She was an incredible woman. Intelligent, wise, beautiful, smartly funny, with an amazing sense of reading people’s character. Seemed very much like someone who lived life on her own terms. Still, she might […]