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About ‘it’

Although countless invisible it is around us, one took over the world by having the largest press cover, major PR and full-blown marketing. What it brings in its tow it is even more disturbing. Because what this thing really is or is about, is with a high chance we will never fully find out but for sure, a point […]

Take on the world

Travelling – I believe is one of the best tools to learn about people, cultures, nature, life and to understand the ignorance and invalidity of those complete obnoxiously stupid ideas of racism, sexism, any -ism really. Wherever you go will experience something new, different, exciting, breathtaking, annoying, illogical by your own standards. You will come […]

Labels versus Self

The Internet in general, even more so all forms of social media, unsolicitedly floods people with any and all kind of ‘content’ and make looking up, finding information on anything into a matter of a few clicks. Basically, whatever you are interested in you will find one opinion/explanation and the 180 degree opposite of it, […]

The controversy about Time

How many times you heard ‘you have time’ or ‘take your time’ and I am sure you also heard what Buddha said: ‘The biggest mistake is you think you have time’. Personally, I do believe that one of the biggest mistakes people make in life is to sit back and believe the mirage that one has time. How often you […]

Opposing a psychologist

Just read an interview with a big name clinical psychologist, sexual psychologist. For the first read I was like, woah, I really don’t agree with her. Then had a chat about the piece with a friend of mine and for the sake of being precise in the discussion I kept re-reading the article. The more […]

Circle of hate

Seriously? In the XXI. century we are still here? Although we are able to send people into space, we can print out literally anything in 3D, we can contact one another across the Globe by the touch of a button … we are still here that because you can’t face your chickenshit life and have […]

Where is the love?

Woman, man, young, old, coloured, white, straight, gay, thin, fat, religious, atheist, short, tall … one thing is mutual, all are member of the one human race and all share the one Earth. Wherever you are at, whatever you have achieved, fighting at, whomever you love, it is all your business, nobody else’s! You might […]

When in Rome …

Have you ever been to Italy? To Rome? No? Then you can’t have any idea what I am talking about. Italy is a must. A 100% not to be left off of anyone’s bucket list. The history, art, food, wine, style, the natural professionalism of the ‘dolce far niente’ … For me Italy is a […]

Women/Men – versus or together

Back in the old days the female and male roles were clear: women at home, minding the fire, making the food, bringing up the children; men are out, fighting wars, making money, holding all decision rights, making the livelihood of their families. Women were the followers, the submissive, men the leaders, the dominant. Or at […]


Important information: in case you are a member of the so called “snowflake” tribe, who always takes offence on behalf of everyone and everything because you imagine nearly all communication being an attack, then save yourself the heartache and don’t read me. Thank you.   In my thinking, writing, views I tend to get controversial, […]