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Relationship Coach

Another kind of loathsome

In recent days I experienced something that triggered me. Nothing devastating only sad, discouraging and/or annoying. But then again, the more I was thinking about it, the more I thought that indeed it is something big and serious, although commonly we just wave it off, shrug and move on. This action is, in general, get […]

Relationship Coach

Fallen angels – a ‘what if’ concept

In a recent discussion where we were talking about life, relationships, sex, music, he showed me a song. In its lyrics fallen angels were mentioned … that started some thoughts in me … What if we – people –  were all fallen angels? What if we really all are children of God? What if life, […]

Relationship Coach

Celebrating another ‘day’

… so today is International Women’s day, today women young and old are celebrated in the most part of the world … Those women who on other days get mum-shamed, body shamed, abused verbally, mentally, physically, raped and then pointed finger at and said she asked for it … and so on. There are other […]

Relationship Coach

About ‘it’

Although countless invisible it is around us, one took over the world by having the largest press cover, major PR and full-blown marketing. What it brings in its tow it is even more disturbing. Because what this thing really is or is about, is with a high chance we will never fully find out but for sure, a point […]

Relationship Coach

Take on the world

Travelling – I believe is one of the best tools to learn about people, cultures, nature, life and to understand the ignorance and invalidity of those complete obnoxiously stupid ideas of racism, sexism, any -ism really. Wherever you go will experience something new, different, exciting, breathtaking, annoying, illogical by your own standards. You will come […]