Living in the now

What do we all have for sure?
The moment we are in.

I know!
You heard it a million times already; but have you ever given a real thought to it?
And I don’t mean any spiritual, superstitious, metaphysical way but the very real, very human, very down to earth way.

Like, let’s say, you are in a relationship, you had a disagreement/argument two days ago. You did not talk it out, you did not talk it through, you did not express what and why was hurtful, unpleasant to you.
Today, now, something triggered something in you, and it brings up that unsolved issue  from two days ago.
So now you bitterly attack your partner, though what happening now is a tiny thing and under normal circumstances you might would not even notice it.
But because of that undiscussed/ unresolved something from the past (2 days, 3 months, 9 years ago) you are actively screwing up your present with something, that is not even directly related.

This is true for any kind of situations, in every kind of a relationship.

Like, at work your colleague asks you to help her/him with a task, you say yes and end up doing it all by yourself on top of your own tasks.
Do you say something then and there or are you letting it boil within you and next time or the one after that, you simply blow up as that last little thing in the now is making it all overflow?

Or you are doing something nice to someone (a favour, a gesture, some kind of a help) and the other person is not acknowledging it at all.
Do you say something right in that situation or you let the bitterness of non-appreciation build in you?
Next time in a similar situation, do you say something? Would you be pointing back to what happened earlier and with your grown bad feelings react probably way stronger than the present situation would call for, or simply just get mad and throw it all at them?

Surely you know what I am talking about, you must have had at least a few occasions when something similar happened, when you let earlier events affect the now.
The last drop effect – how many times did you say: it’s enough, it was the last drop!

The universal truth is, we can’t go back in time to alter any situation, to sort any shit out then and there, because all we have, is the NOW.

This leaves you with two options:
the easiest and most harmful is to keep fucking up this, and all the coming nows with any unattended crap from the past. Choosing this guarantees that you rob yourself from more happy, balanced, peaceful times.
The other option is that you decide and do draw a line now, start working on yourself to be able to let the past go as you understand that you have no way to change it, and while doing so, you consciously stay in the NOW as much as you can and stop collecting further issues that you grow into more unresolved matters with what you keep screwing things up.

When you choose the second option, soon you will realise your relationships getting smoother, your self-confidence rising, your communication clearing up, you experiencing more positive feelings as you will not chew on old hurts and you will see, recognise more bright, happy things in your surroundings.

The benefits of being and staying in the NOW, I believe, worth all the self-cleaning work, all the letting go.
Choose wisely.

Love languages

The other night I was at a dinner party with friends and friends of my friends. It was a great evening with tasty food, lovely company, and nice conversations.

At one point in the evening one of the friends of a friend started to tell about their recent break-up.
They went on saying that how they thought it was going well, how they gave all they could and when it turned out to be not enough and ended in a break-up how upset and confused, they felt. And keep feeling still.
As I just met that person for the first time on that evening, I had hardly any knowledge about them, let alone the relationship they were grieving.
So while listening to them and to the reactions of their friends (which I must say here, was the usual, meant to be supportive ‘you were right-they were wrong, they didn’t deserve you, better will come along, you are better off without them’ and others along this line) my mind wandered off somewhat, and I started to contemplate on what could have been the cause of that seemingly unexpected break-up.

One thing that crossed my mind, were the love languages and so I decided to write about those.
Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book, The 5 Love Languages, in which he outlines 5 ways how people want to be loved.
He calls them the love languages, which are:
word of affirmation: feels loved when hear or read words of affection, kind words, encouragement, love notes, cute, sweet messages, compliments.
quality time: being loved to them means their partner is present, giving them focused undivided attention, really are listened to. Wants quality over quantity.
physical touch: understands being loved through physical affection. Sex of course and holding hands on a walk or in the cinema, a touch on their body when passing them in the house, a massage, cuddling, … they want to be close to their partner physically.
act of service: feel loved by their partner doing nice things for them. Like helping to prepare a meal, running some errands, giving a hand in finishing a project, whatever that may be, it has to come without being asked for.
receiving gifts: for those with this love language, it is not about materialism, as it can be as little as their favourite chocolate bar. They feel loved as they understand the time and effort being put into picking a gift for them specifically, showing that their partner knows them, cares for them. Also, they need gifts frequently not only on the ‘major holidays’.

Okay, so why the love languages came into my mind on that evening?
Because I often see that partners do not understand the needs of their significant other.
They simply do not talk about what love means to them, how they would like it to be expressed towards them.
Many times, relationships remind me of a gigantic puzzle game, where both parties are holding certain pieces and they are trying to work out how their own puzzle pieces can be put together with their partner’s. Although they never even clarified whether they hold pieces for the same game!

Rather than clearing the table by having conversations where both would explain their own ‘instruction manual’.
Of course, that would suppose that they know themselves!

You see, when my love language is physical touch and I will keep receiving smaller bigger gifts all the time, although I will be grateful for those gifts, I won’t be perfectly happy.
When we had some talks where I expressed that, and my partner would say he understood but there would be no changes in his actions, I probably would call it quits after some time.

When one’s primary love language is not met, one will get frustrated and likely will not see other, well working things in the relationship to be enough to stay for and keep on going.

Or if s/he stays, it’s quite sure that some dissatisfaction, frustration will continuously be lingering over.

Also, because in a relationship it is pretty rare that both/all partners have the same love language, and we often make the ‘mistake’ of that we give what we want to receive, unnecessary challenges are for sure to be faced.

Certainly, there are ways to save the day, I mean the relationship, of course.

Oh gosh! Am I boring or what?
Solution, again, is knowing oneself and an ongoing, open, honest communication between partners.

So, I don’t know, but maybe the reason of that unexpected break-up was, that the partner’s primary love language wasn’t satisfied and although this friend was putting in all they had, it was not what it was needed.

What do I do?

In this post I want to talk about my sex coaching as lately I got some questions and run into assumptions that were incorrect.

The emphasis is on my sex coaching as there are many different types out there, that vary not only in style but also in what they focus on.
There are sex teachers who help couples with the actual act of sex, show them what and how is possible, new ways and so on.
There are other educators who do similar work but specify on self-exploration.
Of course there are those professionals who help in case of any physical issues.
Obviously, there are some overlapping among all.

When you chose someone to work with, you have to understand the focus of their work and see if that aligns with you, with what and where you wish to be helped forward.

What I do is I work with you on you, on your mindset, your thinking, your soul, your possible hidden triggers and other similar ‘woowoos’ that can play part in why you do not enjoy sex as much as you could/should/would like to.

What does that even mean?
That when sex is not as one wishes it to be, and often even when one has some physical issues, there is nearly always some never thought of underlying issues, connections that one was not even thinking of that can do anything with their sex life.

More specifically, although it is true that sex is a physical action, it gets at its best only when one’s mind and soul are in it and are all in alignment.

To help you understand even more easily, let me use some examples.
Like the young man, who was dating, having relationships with women, and never felt content, always felt something is not right.
When we worked together, I asked, he answered, I made him go deep within himself, made him see who he really was/wanted to be, worked on deleting the stress points, the blocks, the dogma he was fed to and finally came his realization and acceptance, he is gay.
He became true to himself and is leading a happy life since.

The intelligent, bright woman in her late 30s who said sex was OK, but she never understood what the big wow was about it, and she kind of grew curious whether she was missing something.
Yes, she absolutely was, she realized it while working together.
She was ‘programmed’ to be a good wife, to take what she gets, to not have needs, to not nag her husband for more/less/different.
What a happily shocking surprise it was to her when finally she talked to her husband who was first completely taken aback with what she revealed but then was happy and willing to have an ongoing communication and exploration to up their sex life that is by now mutually satisfying, better than ever before.

Or the man who is a professional, strong, kind family man and in his 40s started to feel more and more often some sexual dissatisfaction.
His mind was telling him some stories, but it was conflicting his soul, his taught ways of how sex should be, and he had no knowledge of how to communicate his inner conflict to his partner.
While working together he learned to allow himself to have whatever feelings were coming up in him run their course, to be open and vulnerable in his communication to his partner, to bring up to her his new interest, discuss it and got to the point where they were able to start out on a new, mutually satisfying road in sex together.

You see, although sex itself is a physical act, when one is not knowing her/himself well, is not happy with her/himself, when that little inner voice is saying something else than what the ‘routine’ is, when sex becomes a routine, when listening to self and communicating with the partner/s is lacking or in the worst cases is not even existing, when mind, soul and body are not in harmony then it is impossible to have a fully satisfying, best ever sex life.

To achieve that harmony is where I help you when you come to work with me.
To reach the most self- identical, authentic self of you, and with that to have/do/enjoy the most of a mind-blowing, fully satisfying, fun, spontaneous, well communicated, amazing sex life.

Slapping the story of a slap

The world has gone mad, as far as I am concerned.

On a stage an actor slapped another actor AFTER a bad, hurtful joke that was on the account of a woman with an illness, the wife of the slapper.

Although to joke on any level with anyone’s illness and/or disability is just a plain no go, now the whole – social media – world is in uproar, about the slap.
Everybody is analysing what happened, what this means, what consequences does this have onto the world.
Behaviour analysts, feminists, psychologists, many are joining the choir, all giving their explanation, opinion, all serving it as the one and only truth and most making the slapper to be the antichrist.

All are shouting from behind the computer screens that the slapper should have been arrested on the spot, that it was an abuse, that it is unacceptable and the like.

Sure, because if it was the shouter, s/he would have stayed seated, it would have not upsetted them, they would not have let their emotions run them over, they are a perfect Buddha, they are in absolute control of themselves all the time, under all circumstances.


Oh, how I love older times, when snowflakes were only part of winter weather.

Come on people, if you really want to be upset, if you really want to be outraged then you might want to consider the real world.
You know, the one where still people are dying because of hunger; where there are still wars happening; where kids still get bullied and because of it commit suicide; where rape is a daily occurrence; where paedophilia is actively alive; where beating people into pulp, killing them because of their skin colour, religion or sexual orientation; … this list is fucking endless.

And you are upset, disturbed and outraged because of a slap across a face?
This is what I find ridiculous.

Teach, preach, show an example of how life is done well (or at least better), of what kindness is, of how not to judge, of how not to declare ‘truth’ with only partial knowledge, of how not to discriminate.

Teach, preach, show an example of how to humanly handle a situation where some might have made a mistake, explain what and how could have been done better.

Teach, preach, show what to do, how to stand up for your loved ones when they get emotionally or physically hurt, attacked by someone.

Be human, be compassionate, be understanding.

Accept that you don’t know it all, that you don’t hold the holy grail.
None of us does.

Stop screwing things up as we have done already with so many things in the world that could have been something of a great learning, growing for many but eventually became just another ride for the egos, for the 15 minutes fame chasers.

Compassion and empathy are beautiful virtues.
Learn them, use them.

Not to mention that many millions of us were slapped across the face for even much less of a reason, and we all lived and so does the world.

To dream or not to dream

Have you ever heard, read, been told any of these ‘motivational’ phrases:
‘Never give up’
‘Keep on going’
‘If you can dream it, you can become it’
‘You just need to be determined and you’ll get there’ … and the alike?

Sure you have.
And you did/do, till comes a day when you find yourself tired, confused, disheartened.

For years, for decades you had a dream, you were determined, you kept on going, you didn’t give up … and you didn’t make it.

Whatever that dream of yours is, a loving relationship, your own business, writing a book, making a living out of your creativity, whatever, this disappointment can happen, it does happen, and no, you are not alone experiencing this.

Also, ‘it’ not happening (yet) does not equal to anything being wrong with you.

What it means is that there are many other things you are occupied with.
It means you have a job, you are taking care of family, it means life keeps on happening and you just don’t find the time, the energy, the finances to push your dream towards reality.
You know, circumstances.
If this is the case, you need to understand that there always be circumstances that will not seem perfect for going after your dreams.

Just want you to be clear with this so you can maybe rethink your stand and check and change your priorities so you may start to push your dreams higher and higher up on your ‘to do list’, till you get to it and start bringing it alive.

On the other hand, if your dream didn’t happen yet due to you not believing in yourself, you doubting your own talent, you questioning your own worth, then it is high time you give yourself the chance by starting to work on yourself.
All these are blocks you developed, stories you are telling to yourself.

And blocks can be dissolved and stories can be changed.

For a business, writing, turning your creativity into a stream of income, for all, there are questions you would need to ask yourself and would need to be honest with your answers.
Often it is way more difficult to accomplish than as it sounds, and when this situation occurs an advisor/teacher/coach could help you the most to get on the road and finally start moving forward achieving your dreams.

Like, if it is about a loving relationship and you came to me to work for that dream of yours, I’d ask questions, like ‘how do you think of yourself’, ‘how do you see yourself’, ‘how open you think you are’, ‘how wide and high your defence walls are’ and so on.
And I wouldn’t let you stay with your routine answers that you kept giving yourself and others, as obviously those kept you where you are, not reaching your dreams.

So yes, bringing one’s dreams into reality requires work, commitment, patience, and self-knowledge among some other factors.

It’s up to you to have or not to have dreams but when you do, I believe it is best to try to make them reality even if you don’t succeed, than never even try to achieve them.

Regret, the ‘what would have been if’ is one of the worst, least interpretable feelings one can have.
Reduce your possible reasons for it.

Winning, losing or just loving

In any kind of a relationship, intimate, family, business – in any – there are times when waters get more stormy than usual.
It is natural. It is human nature. It is hormones. It is stress. It is worry. It is triggers. It is outside circumstances. It is misunderstanding. It is whatever.

It does happen that people have different opinions, emotional/financial interests, moods, or anything that is not a match, not in alignment at a given moment.
The involved parties share their point of view through which it becomes obvious that they are at opposing ends of a stick.
Now what?

There are numerous options.

They might agree to disagree, and they move on with their day.

They might start a conversation, both explaining their stand and are trying to convince the other of their view being the right one.
That also can lead to different outcomes, like one realizing that the other is right and so changes her/his opinion, or that both alter somewhat of their original and meet somewhere in a middle in agreement, or after the discussion they agree on disagreeing.

They might ask a third party to be a moderator in the situation and help them to understand each other.

These all are viable, good solutions.

When one, after stating their standpoint is not ready/willing/able to discuss, that is a more difficult scenario for to reach an understanding, agreement, a mutually agreeable direction to move on, becomes very hard, if not impossible.
In such case, some form of an impartial outside help is the best way to move forward with.

As situations are different, as people are different, as attitudes are different, as styles are different, all the above can be conducted in different manners.
It all can be a quiet chat, a discussion, a heated argument, a loud exchange of opinions, it all can be on different noise levels, it can happen with different amount of gesticulation.

At the end it can come to a closure with an OK from the parties, with a handshake, a smile, a cuddle, …

But that’s it!

No verbal violence, no fight, no war on any level, will move you forward in a productive, helpful, healthy way.
None of such is a way towards solution for kind, caring, intelligent people.

These will hurt both parties, will cause a painful aftermath, will make moving forward way more difficult, will make reconciliation a much longer, if possible at all, process.
Whatever disagreement one may have on any level in any kind of a relationship, aggression, deliberate hurting, war, is no option, no solution.

We all are people, we all have better and not so good days, we all can be caught up in our own crap and that is normal.
At the same time, we all are capable of kind, generous, understanding and allowing ways of communication and we all can keep improving ourselves in that (too).

Here I cheer all of us on finding, learning the peaceful, human, constructive ways of solutions for all the small, medium, large, gigantic sized of issues we might encounter in our lives.

We all want love, we all deserve love, we all wish to live in peace, harmony, and love, so let’s let love rule.
Decide what you want for yourself in life and remember, no amount of fight will ever bring love.

Easy as a restaurant review

Whatever we are talking about, depending on where we are looking, who we are asking, we can find polar opposite views, opinions, experiences about it.

Simple example is a restaurant review.
There is a nasty, negative rating and on the very same day another happy, positive one.
How will you know which one is to believe to?
How will you decide whether to go or not to that restaurant?

It will entirely depend on you.
On your mood in that moment, on your general attitude, on your previous experiences, on your wants and needs.
Like that if you are in the blues, not even sure if you want to go out to eat at all, if you had at some other time at some other restaurant some bad experience already, if you are not that hungry and anyways you have other options like ordering food or finding something in your kitchen, you very likely will believe the negative view and will not go.
On the other hand when you are happy, willing to go out, had no particularly bad restaurant experience before, hungry, having no other options to choose from, you will trust the positive rating and will go.

Relying on the ratings from complete strangers, without any knowledge of their possible agendas, of what was the reality of their ratings, of what might had influenced them to write whatever they did, you made your mind up, believed one of them, made your decision.

Whatever you decided, whatever happens next, you have no right to blame the reviewer, you can’t make them responsible.

The fact though is, when you never go to that restaurant ever, you will not have a personal experience and so neither the right to claim a well-established opinion really.
Contrary to that, when you go, you will gain experience first-hand, and so you can form your own, grounded views.

… and this shit applies to anything and everything in life!

When you have an opinion about anything that you had no personal experience with and you are stating whatever you believe for God only knows why to be the truth and are eagerly spreading that out and wide, you are losing your credibility.
And so does everyone else doing that towards you!

Having an opinion is a human right. Believing whatever, to whomever is a personal choice.

To be authentic and stay trustworthy I find it a good idea that when stating something without personal experience, without thorough knowledge, is best to start by saying something like ‘although I have no personal experience, my opinion based on … is … ‘

When someone is not into an open discussion with you by talking, asking, listening, showing curiosity towards your views but throws ‘facts’, views, opinions at you about anything in life, especially concerning your looks, relationships, sex life, likes and dislikes, preferences (particularly when you didn’t even ask for it), you have all the right to not listen to that person.
Use your legitimate self-defence and ignore, use the ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del’ combo on them.

You are the only one with a full knowledge on your whys and why nots, you have to be the title character of your own life, you are no less (not more either) then anyone else, regardless of your life choices.

Therefore, whenever you decide, choose, do or don’t anything, make sure it is your decision, your wholehearted yes or no!
And thus you can take full responsibility for it too.

A small insight on regrets

In the past couple of days (again) my mind and heart were all about my mum, who passed nearly 3 years ago.
She was an incredible woman.
Intelligent, wise, beautiful, smartly funny, with an amazing sense of reading people’s character.
Seemed very much like someone who lived life on her own terms.
Still, she might have had some regrets. Won’t ever know, it is only me thinking, knowing some stories, family ins and outs … wouldn’t be a shocker if she did.
What I can know for fact is that she had a lot of adventure in her life, and she was like nobody else I ever knew.

And that got me to thinking about regrets.
What made me realize, how often in my coaching I meet with clients who have regrets, who carry regrets within them for a long time.
Then I remembered what I heard quite some time ago already, that doctors, nurses, care givers, family members have witnessed on countless occasions that those with fatal illnesses getting close to the end of their lives were open to share that they did have regrets.

Some of those most commonly heard ones are:
– wish they were brave enough to live their life as they would have wanted it, and not as others expected them to live it
– wish they hadn’t invested all that time into work, hadn’t worked so much
– wish they knew how to, had the courage to show their feelings
– wish they had taken better care of their friendships
– wish they had allowed, made themselves to be happier.

This is incredibly sad!
And I find it sad on more than one level.

Of course, it is most sad for those who got to the end of their lives, and only realized all this when they had no chance to change anything anymore.

Then I am sad for all those who live their life without realizing that they are going to have those regrets when their time comes.
Then for those who feel something is off in their lives, though yet they didn’t figure out what is that exactly.
Then for those who know, it would serve them best to change, but they dare not to, for whatever reason they accept for keeping themselves stuck.
Then for those who tried to change but let themselves influenced by others, and let themselves fall back into the unwanted patterns.

In today’s world there is a lot of help (coach, therapist, psychologist, … ) available for those who are serious about getting back to themselves, wanting to live from their authentic self and fully enjoy a happy life.

In case you recognise yourself as one building towards some regrets (or having some already), I wish you the courage to realise, your life is yours to live.
Your story is yours to write.
You have all the right in the world to be, live and do as you choose to.

Help is available when you feel that would support you to re-center.
Trust me, you don’t have to, you don’t need to do it alone.

My wish for you is not to grow regrets in your life; to turn around from the path that may lead you to have some; to make sure you won’t have more than you might already have.

As for my mum, I hope she didn’t have many regrets, that she really did enjoy a cool life and that wherever she may be now, she is regret free.
I miss you!

Letting your mind wander

Last week I spent by the sea.
Needed some change of scenery, some time to see things from a different angle, some time to re/evaluate matters and situations, time to just be.
Sitting on the shore, staring at the water is all it takes for me to get lost in thoughts.
Surely, I am not alone with this.
Of course, it can happen anywhere really, just a personal preference, so for some it might be being in a forest, at the mountains, in their own garden or soaking in a lovely, warm bath in their bathroom. Whatever does the trick.
The common ground is that we all need these times, we all need to be alone sometimes to completely and fully get lost in the web of the hidden parts of our own mind and soul.

Sometimes we spin off of questions that bug us at that moment, other times the starting points are subjects that have been with us for a while and again at other times we contemplate on something we heard or read somewhere.
Whatever the port of call might have been, often we end up surprising ourselves with our freely wandering mind.
So for the next such time I am bringing you 18 questions to choose from, to try.

Who knows what you might discover through them!?!?

They were written by Jordan Lejuwaan ( ), and as a user’s guide, he says:
‘Asking yourself thought provoking questions is a form of meditation.
As you read the following list, don’t try to force the answer.
The whole point of the thought-provoking question is that it provokes thought, all by itself.
After you read each question, allow your mind to conjure up an answer spontaneously.
Perhaps you can take a few mindful breaths right now to bring your attention into the present moment.’

  1. If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?
  2. If you were going to die at midnight, what would you be doing at 11:45pm?
  3. How do you really KNOW anything for sure?
  4. If you had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of a job, what would you choose to do?
  5. When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you?
  6. What do you regret most so far in life?
  7. How can you apply the lesson you learned from that regret to your life TODAY?
  8. What would you change if you were told with 100% certainty that God does not exist? Or if you don’t believe in God, that he does exist?
  9. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you want to run into? Does that person know how much they mean to you?
  10. Do you fear death? If so, do you have a good reason?
  11. What would you change if you knew you were NEVER going to die?
  12. If you were at heaven’s gates, and God asked you “why should I let you in?”, what would you say?
  13. When will you be good enough for you? Is there some breaking point where you will accept everything about yourself?
  14. Is the Country you live in really the best fit for you?
  15. What would people say about you at your funeral?
  16. What small thing could you do to make someone’s day better?
  17. (If you believe in God) would your relationship with God change at all if you were told with 100% certainty that he was actually a she?
  18. What do you believe stands between you and complete happiness?

Go for it with all you’ve got … BUT!

Do you have any dreams, goals, resolutions you want to have, reach, do?
Being the beginning of a new year, it feels timely to write about this now, as many often wait for a new year to start to set goals, make resolutions and/or to outline a way towards their dreams.

As always, yes, I know, we all are different and behave differently, do things differently, understand things differently.
This is about a general, can happen to anyone kind of feeling, regardless how you categorize (dream, goal, resolution, whatever) the bases of it for yourself.
Like for example I, for one, don’t like/use the word ‘goals’ as somehow I immediately associate it to sports and as such it already carries 50% of a chance of failing/not making it for me.
Dreams on the other hand I did and do have.

So, regardless of how you call it, in which category you put it, I guess you have one/some/more things you want to reach/build/have for yourself in this life.
Also I am sure, you did come across some of these motivational sayings: ‘don’t give up’, ‘never give up’, ‘follow your dreams’, ‘you are nearly there’, ‘the break through is just around the corner’, ‘it is always the darkest right before dawn’ and alike.

Along these lines we can hear too that don’t have a plan B as that would take the wind out from plan A because when you do, you’ll know there is always that plan B you can fall back onto and that would make you comfortable.

My question is, have you ever felt trapped by a dream, goal, resolution you had/have?
I have.
And I can tell you, it felt shit, frightening, hopeless and was taking a lot out of me to survive it, to move forward from there.

Once that dream of mine was born, I put in all I could think of would help me make it come true.
Just like you do when you really want to get somewhere, achieve something.
Studied, worked my ass off, found many different options and took countless opportunities that sounded inline with my reaching that dream. Also, it required tons of work on myself, had to go in deep, dig out crap, sort out my inner game such as limiting beliefs, screwed up patterns and basically getting out of my own way.
Not to forget, I spent a shitload of money for all before mentioned.

All the while I kept chanting to myself those affirmations, motivational quotes and was keeping at it … so much so that I got myself financially broke, mentally exhausted, emotionally wrecked.

What happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen?
Not for one minute had I a plan B.
Not for one minute did I a reality check.

All I had was a dream that I felt completely aligned with, that seemed the most natural, the best and the only way to go.
In spite my feelings, I got to the point where I was forced to change course.
It was a huge fight within myself as every cell of mine was against it, plus every time when I forced myself to decide for taking that step, I immediately run into, seen, heard something that I translated as a sign to not to do so.
It was a huge, painful, soul eating mess.

Finally I had to let go of that tight grip, go on another way, dig myself out of that dark place and realize (in retrospective, some years later) that it was the best way how it all could work out for the best.

Now for doing some good to some, I must say, I strongly suggest that at the beginning of your dream chasing, goal reaching, holding to a resolution: do prepare a plan B, write it down and put it somewhere safe and only thereafter go and concentrate on turning your dreams into reality.
In case in the process you find yourself over your reasonable timeline or money options, or at the edge of your sanity, or you feel your emotional wellbeing at risk, get your plan B out and go with that, for the time being at least!

True, it is always better to try and don’t reach than never try.
Also true that there are second (even third, fourth …) chances in life.

My conclusion is that it is best to have a plan B and change to it in case of need than ending up in an excessive, exhausting chaos, that brings you in to a dire, suffocating nightmare.

Be good to yourself!
Don’t get ruined in chasing the perfect dream, don’t get eaten alive in fighting to score goals but realise in time that reality, life as it is, is always better, even if it is not always perfect.