
Common sense

It is frustrating, but in my experience the time has come, when the use of common sense in no matter what the subject is, has gone out of fashion.
In fact, I’ll go further, there are more and more people who don’t even know what it is.

For the sake of clarity, here is the Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of what “common sense” is: the basic level of practical knowledge and judgement that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way.

Well, I belong to Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980), and I think we still knew, we know what it is, what it is good for, and how to use it.
But those younger than us, and the younger they are, the less they seem to have any idea of it.

This phenomenon is really strange, because it is about the children and grandchildren of Generation X.
Knowing “ourselves”, I doubt that this would be a conscious process on our part, that we keep this ability to ourselves, do not pass it on, do not teach it, quasi making ourselves the last guardians of this secret weapon.

But then how is this striking difference possible?

I have no better idea than the Internet.
It was invented and made operational back in 1983, and made publicly available on April 30, 1993.
It was an amazing idea, a technical achievement to help, teach, and support connections that connect the world.
That means that the youngest of us, the Xs, was already 13 years old when this technology became available to the general public, so we grew up without it.

Today, however, we are at a point where it is available in most parts of the world, and more than 67% of the 8 billion people living on earth are connected to it.

We also know that its use is not tied to any IQ (or EQ) test.
However, statistical data shows that there is a higher percentage of people on earth with below-average IQ than above-average IQ.
IQ above 111: 21%
IQ between 91 and 110 (the AVERAGE IQ): 50%
IQ below 90: 29%

In light of these numbers, we can say that especially “thanks” to social media, more untrue, incorrect, dumb, downright stupid content is posted on the Internet than real, factual, supportive information.
And this insight was recently confirmed when the widespread use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) began, and it produced a lot of incomprehensibly stupid material, since AI uses information found on the Internet.
The research that was started as a result of this, determined that less than 50% of the information, materials, and news found on the Internet is real, is true.

So, from all this, I concluded that the generations that come after us, for whom smartphone, computer, and Internet use form the “basis of their existence,” operate from a set of information that is less than 50% true.
Since their “addiction” develops very early, and they spend most of their time hanging out on the Internet and social media, they don’t have time to look around in real life, talk to others, ask questions, learn to argue meaningfully, and master the “miracle” of common sense.

And finally, to bring this whole train of thought into my own “house”, I have no reason to be surprised that relationships don’t work well, that people are so ignorant about sex, that girls have surreal expectations of boys, that boys try to imitate talking heads who spout incredibly unrealistic, hurtful kind of “principles”.
That girls and boys alike attack, call each other names, and belittle each other because of their appearance, that they laugh at those with a more complex worldview, since in order to understand them, they should need to think, that they question and trample on human and personal rights that are clear to those with common sense.

So, as a result of a wonderful friend of mine’s suggestion, I think from now on I’ll switch from being titled as a relationship and sex coach to a common sense coach.
After all, if there is no common sense, chaos reigns supreme, but if there is, it provides a solid foundation for development and construction in everything.
In relationships, in sex, in communication too!

I think.

The object of my hate

Rarely I use this word, but I can’t say it any other way: I hate what politicians and political parties do under the heading of politics.

Why am I writing this now?
Let me explain.

Because, unfortunately, in more and more countries, politics pervades and negatively affects the life and behaviour of all people to some extent.
Politics affects everyday life.
There are places where this is more, and there are places where it is less obvious.
This is not a spectacular, conscious process for the majority wanting to copy what they see and hear, but rather an insidious, destructive, infectious horror that infiltrates subconsciously.

Every day we are bombarded with what politicians say from all sources of information (TV, radio, press, internet).
Every day we hear and read how one politician/political party vilifies, humiliates, belies, and tries to discredit the other.
As they constantly explain why the other person is vile, why what they do is wrong, why their work, especially their person is despicable.
Of course, it is everyone’s own decision who/what they listen to, what they take into account, to whom and what they believe.

However, the consequences of this style (unstylish!) of public speaking appear in everyday life!
And this is very destructive to the individual, to relationships, to any type of cohabitation, to human coexistence.

Because it’s just like when a parent constantly tells their child that “you’re stupid”, “you’re worthless”, “you’re ugly”.
Sooner or later this becomes ingrained in the child in such a way that s/he believes it, and will live life based on this.
S/he may develop a sense of inferiority, may become anxious, will not even start certain things because s/he is stupid, will give up dreams, if even had them, and so on.

Look around you!
In case of a conflict, how many people start by saying “the other is to blame because …”;
there is little or no tolerance at all towards people who look, think and/or behave “differently”;
that peaceful coexistence is increasingly rare;
that in a conversation/exchange/discussion the “agree to disagree” understanding has almost disappeared;
that the slightest inattention on the part of another person in traffic, or even the exact observance of the rules, causes crazy reactions from many;
and I could go on.

Politicians can and often do take this influencing to extremes.

The roughest and most brutal manifestation of it is war, massacre, I think.
The war, about which Erich Alfred Hartmann, a German fighter pilot during World War II and the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare, said: “War is a place where the young kill one another without knowing or hating each other, because of the decision of old people who know and hate each other, without killing each other.”
An insightful opinion from someone who has found himself actively in the thick of the aftermath, the war.

The “old men”, i.e. the politicians, can do all this (also) in today’s world by convincing the people with amazing marketing that this is the only option, that this is the only way they can protect their country, that this is the price of their freedom.
Then, in the second step, comes the nationalistic “hero-image construction”, where they convince people that they should be proud of their children and grandchildren, who are sent to fight, and that the young people should believe that they will accomplish something very admirable and heroic, even at the cost of their lives.
And mass psychosis is successful, many people believe and accept that it is so.

This is done so successfully by those “old men” that when someone asks questions, then usually the questioner gets attacked, considered crazy, unpatriotic, and uncomprehending.

While the questions are usually logical.
Why should Western democracy be imposed on nations who have never had democracy, but have lived by well-organized operating principles working for them for hundreds, thousands of years?
Why is it usually a country that is attacked that has a lot of natural resources (oil, gas, diamonds, etc.)?
Why does it come up sooner or later in every case that the “old man” who initiated the war is not sane?
How can a religion be used as the banner of a war and kill “in the name of God”?
Why is the oxymoron is not apparent to the masses that one country goes to war against another to create peace?
Why do they rewrite, erase, manipulate to forget history – from which we should and could learn?

Most likely, so that his selfish, greedy, narcissistic, psychopathic (psychological diseases could be listed here) desires and ideas are realized, so that he is right, so that he can have more money and more power in his hands.

How strange that in a relationship we consider the behaviours described above unacceptable, that we want to get rid of the person with such personality traits as quickly as possible, that we condemn manipulation, exploitation, oppression, and the enforcement of selfish interests at the expense of others.
However, we acknowledge, accept, and put up with it when politicians do all this to us.

So, the essence of what has been described so far is that we can only consciously reduce the dirt that is thrown at us under the heading of politics; we have to mitigate and reverse its effects on ourselves and those around us.
For this, we really “just” have to be conscious.
We “just” must remain human.

And if many around the world succeed in this, then the politicians will need to man up, because the crowd will no longer believe and accept their stories, because people will no longer kill each other just because.

This way, we might be able to effectively make “man is a wolf to man”, that has been true for thousands of years, become untrue.

Or is it possible that this whole political thing is such that the bad, undesirable personality traits that people already have come out “automatically” and become stronger when they get into certain positions?
Because even then, the only solution is for everyone to work on themselves, weaken their negative and strengthen their positive sides.

Duck or rabbit?

Here we are at the end of another year.
Don’t know about you but I for sure can say it was a trying one.
And as I look around me, with certainty I can say there are many joining this sentiment about 2023.
Let it be relationships, personal life, professional settings, economy, whatever segment of life, most had it in multiple areas this year, as well as felt it on their own skin what politics was up to.

The other day I had a discussion with an intelligent, open minded world citizen.
Among many, we touched on this subject too.
As we talked we got to the point when we established that we live in a dualistic world.
There is right or wrong, good or bad, nice or ugly, right or left, traditionalist or modernist, men lead world or female lead world, etc.
And the core of many, if not all, of the problems is that people are conditioned to always take side and defend theirs through thick and thin.

Think about it!
When in school, in a generally poor educational system, kids are pressured to study things word by word, not to ask questions but take things they hear from their teachers or read in their books as facts.
Then getting into the workforce where yet most employer are authoritarian, telling to employees to basically shut up and do as told, do not question the higher ups.
All these experiences of course filter into people’s private life, into their friendships, relationships and are very lucky if they didn’t experience such attitude already since their birth from their family too.

One is pressured to decide and stand by one or the other side in mostly everything.

Even Christmas food is in this category: panettone or pandoro, turkey or ham, Yorkshire pudding or mashed potatoes, fish or stuffed cabbage, meat or seafood, and this list is endless too😊

The believers, the committed ones of whichever side are constantly generating, fueling the arguments, disagreements, violent actions.
And I am not even talking about the extremists of any kind, as they make a very different category.

What could be a solution?

How about we allow the other person to say, to believe in, to live by whatever one chooses.
As long as it is not harmful to others.

Let’s be honest:
– if one is religious and the other isn’t that is not hurting either of them, they still could have an intelligent conversation, could be asking one another what makes them believe whatever they believe. They could learn from each other, they both could widen their worldviews
– if one is a left and the other is a right side voter that is not hurting either of them, they still could have an interesting conversation, could be asking one another what makes them vote as they do. They could learn from each other, they both could widen their worldviews
– if one is taking a side (in any subject) and the other sees pluses and minuses on both sides and is not ready, nor willing to take any of the sides, that is not hurting either of them, they still could have an exciting conversation, could be asking one another what makes them to form whatever opinion. They could learn from each other, they both could widen their worldviews.
– and if one is strictly a ham and the other is a turkey person, the same applies. No harm is done.

With all that we arrived to the over 100 years old question, duck or rabbit!?
‘Thomas Kuhn used the rabbit–duck illusion as a metaphor for revolutionary change in science, illustrating the way in which a paradigm shift could cause one to see the same information in an entirely different way.’
‘The duck/rabbit image is one of the most famous in philosophy, and it highlights a curious phenomenon called “aspect perception.” The philosopher Wittgenstein argued that objects often do not simply appear to our senses, but are “seen as” something. They arrive meaningfully in our understanding.’

That drawing, simply said, is an optical illusion showing that it only depends on your perspective whether you see one or the other when you look at the picture.
It is a very simple tool to make everyone realize, that two, or even more things can be true, can be right at the same time.
Views only may differ due to perspective!

So the very simple and highly effective solution in any and all questions/subjects can be if we ALLOW each other to be, to think, to believe as each want to.

Be open, be curious, don’t let yourself be fooled, nor pressured.
And with all that, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant, loving, allowing New Year!
A happy 2024 to all!

Mental health

Mental health is a hot topic.
There are conferences, videos, researches, summits happening, articles and opinions are on every possible platform over the Internet.
Many are amazing sources of information, knowledge, help, and some are doing nothing more than add to the harm.

Yesterday I heard a sentence that hit me hard, and triggered me to write this post.

Must start by saying, I am not a doctor, so what follows is my opinion and what I am about to say are rooting from my studies and experiences as a coach, as someone who met an extreme amount of people in her life through work, what I see and realized around me both on- and offline, and what I learned, realized, discovered about myself.

It is a huge subject so there is a fair chance of me not touching on something that affects/concerns/bothers you personally.
It does not mean on any level that I invalidate that, or you.

With all that said, here it comes.

Mental health is not a new age woo-woo.
Mental health is not something that the weak came up with to ‘use as cover’.
Mental health is not a luxury of the rich.
Mental health is not a privilege.

Mental health is a hot topic because it, and its effects on life in general were ignored for the longest time.
Mental health is a hot topic because the stigma on mental illnesses finally started to get dismantled.
Mental health is a hot topic because by now one in four people are affected by it at some point in their lives, and one out of two will develop one in their lifetime.
Not to mention that everyone has some moments when some form of support would benefit their mental health.

How is that even possible, you may ask.
Well, let’s see: life is getting faster and faster (at least in the so called civilized world); changes are daily occurrences; we are constantly bombarded with information; basically anyone is able to see, hear anything anywhere in the world in real time with the help of modern technology; social media gives opportunity to anyone to show anything and pretend it is real; work is often way more stressful than it could be considered reasonable, … no wonder that mental health is declining as the human brain was not designed to deal with all that and more.

Stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociative disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), … and so on are diagnosed in more and more people.
And 1 in 5 people have suicidal thoughts and over 700.000 people (that is 1 person in every 40 seconds) die of suicide yearly.

When you are at a certain age and you look back you might think, or at any age you are you might have heard people saying ‘back in my time there were none of these stuff present”.
The truth of the matter is, they were present, only neuroscience and psychology were not where they are at today.
A decade and more back in time people were just labelled as crazy, lazy, strange, or were simply dismissed as simulants.

Nowadays as researches, studies and personal experiences are growing in numbers on the subject, it finally has the platforms where it is addressed not only that what mental illness means and what the different illnesses are, but also the consequences on personal life, sex life, work and physical illnesses too.

The sentence I heard yesterday was by Mel Robbins addressed to a girl about her suicidal thoughts: ‘you didn’t want to die, you just didn’t want to feel what you felt’.

Woah! Ain’t that the truth!?!

To feel bad, sad, useless, unloved, unsuccessful, lonely, cheated by life, a burden on others, see no way to change the course of events, and which ever feelings in whatever combination, it gets too much for the person and feels suicide is the only option left for them.
Because who would want to feel these feelings?
Of course, nobody!

Mental illness is nothing to be shameful about!
Also having bad days, bad periods in one’s life is normal, nothing to feel shame about it either, not to mention that such periods don’t necessarily equal to any illness either.

Let’s normalize having bad days; let’s normalize asking ‘do you want to talk?’ when we see a friend/relative/colleague being down; let’s stop judging and throwing dismissive comments; let’s agree that everyone’s feelings are valid.

The only way to turn around this tendency is if we take care of ourselves more, if we respect our feelings more, ask for some kind of help when feeling down; if we pay more attention to each other at work, at home, among friends and neighbours.

Also, let’s normalize ‘no’ as a full answer.
You are allowed, you can say it to anyone in any situation if this is what you want to say.
On the other hand, you must take it and understand it if this is the answer you get.

The sentiment of ‘be kind to everyone, you never know what battle they are fighting’ had never been more true.
And especially now, when ‘the season’ is here.
Understand that for some this is the most difficult time of the year.
Be kind, be loving but as the bare minimum, quit being an insensitive, judgy creep.

How not to be obtuse

The Internet is a great thing.
With its help we can stay in contact with one another even across the world, we can find out any information in a few minutes, we can watch movies, listen to music, have a look at basically any location of the world, and so on.

And exactly this is the drawback of it too.
In a few minutes you can find any kind of an information and its 180-degree contradictory one too.

Books are amazing.
Only whatever is in them is through the writer’s filters.

Unfortunately, many people who read something on the internet, in a paper or in a book, hear things on the news, by certain people in certain positions, they believe it without a shadow of a doubt, basically taking everything on face value without ever questioning it, looking behind it, checking facts, or just using common sense.

‘Americans are frank and direct in dealings with others.
Spaniards are more open to chat than most other European cultures.
Germans do not admit faults, even jokingly, and rarely hand out compliments.
Australians have an easy-going, friendly attitude.
Chinese people are very modest and not accustomed to show their feelings in public.’

Above five statements are all from the internet.

Due to my travels and dealings with people of many different nationalities, I can say I had quite contrasting experiences too, with people from the above-mentioned Countries.

Along these lines, I must say, not all religious people are fanatics; not all gay men wear shiny, glittery clothes; not all men are a threat to women, or to kids; not all atheists live without values; not all women want kids; not all old people are grumpy; not all young people are irresponsible; not all homeless people are alcoholic and/or drug addicts; not all Jews are rich; not all black people are criminals; not all politicians are stupid without an idea of the real world; … and so on.

And this is where travel and face to face communication come into the picture.

When you travel you see, hear, experience with your own eyes, ears, senses, brain.
It is, in my view, always the most reliable source of making up your own opinion.

Like you saw photos of that gorgeous beach, but you won’t know till you get there that it is only a hundred meters out of the whole stretch, the rest is stony, dirty, neglected.
You were told that city is gorgeous, very romantic, only when you get there will you see its streets are full of trash.
You read reviews of a place that were not the least bit enthusiastic, said it was a plain, boring one. Only when you get there can you find that it has some unique, hidden gems that was well worth your time and money.

Of course, it works like this not only with locations.

Exactly the same applies to people, cultures, traditions.
To everything really.
Okay, maybe not so much so to science.

They told you, you read that ‘those’ people are ‘bad’.
First of all, it is a generalization.
There are no nationalities, minorities, believers of whatever, pursuers of any profession, people of the same sexuality, of the same age group, of the same gender … in which all the people of that given group are the same.
Even though the general narrative suggests they are.

Do not fall for it.

Get out of your own tiny bubble, talk to people, ask questions, connect, and travel.
Even if it is within your own Country, you already will have a wider view.
With 100 percent certainty I can say, you will have some ‘wow’ moments.

In general, before you accept anyone’s opinion on anybody, on any kind of a group of people, have some personal experiences.
Talk to some of those people, ask questions, communicate.

The easiest, and often the most harmful is just blindly, deafly, mindlessly believe what others tell you on anybody, or on any group of people.

Especially because it can vary from silly gossip to a biased opinion, to a purposefully damaging statement, to declaring whatever in order to support the agenda of the person saying it.

So please, use your mind, your common sense, filter such ‘facts’ through your experiences and form your own opinion.
Be open and willing to discussions.

Be kind, be caring, be allowing, lead with love.
Let’s be a part of forming a better, safer world for all of us.

Your fucking truth

Although I always have a lot what I want to say, to write, somehow today I just couldn’t come up with the right words.
Kept trying, wrote something, then something else but I didn’t like any of them.
In my upsetness with myself I started to roam around the internet.
And suddenly, this popped up in front of me.

Read it.
And I was like, YES, this is it.
This is what I am saying, trying to get across to all who would listen.
This is all what everything is about.
Simply perfect.
I have nothing to add, nothing to explain.
Amazingly written, raw, real, authentic, dare I say, life changing piece.
Just read it:


by Jeff Foster

I have seen miracles happen, when people just tell the truth.

Not the ‘nice’ truth.
Not the truth that seeks to please or comfort.
But the wild truth. The feral truth.
The inconvenient truth.
The tantric truth. The ‘fucking’ truth.

The truth you’re afraid to tell.
The horrible truth about yourself
that you hide in order to ‘protect’ others.
To avoid being ‘too much’.
To avoid being shamed and rejected.
To avoid being seen.

The truth of your deepest feelings:
The rage you have been concealing, controlling, pasting over.
The terrors you do not want to speak.
The sexual urges you’ve been trying to numb.
The primal longings you cannot bear to articulate.

Finally, the defences break down,
and this ‘unsafe’ material emerges
from deep within the unconscious.
You can’t hold it back anymore.
The image of the ‘good boy’ or ‘nice girl’ evaporates.
The ‘perfect one’, the ‘one who has it all figured out’,
the ‘evolved one’, these images burn.

You tremble, you sweat, you come close to vomiting,
you think you might die doing it,
but finally you tell the fucking truth,
the truth you are deeply ashamed of.

Not the abstract truth. Not the ‘spiritual’ truth.
Not a carefully-worded truth designed to prevent offence.
Not a neatly-packaged truth.
But a messy, fiery, sloppy human truth.
A bloody, passionate, provocative, sensual,
untamed and unvarnished mortal truth.
A shaky, sticky, sweaty, vulnerable truth.

The truth of how you feel.
The truth that lets another person see you in the raw.
The truth that makes one gasp.
The truth that makes your heart pound.

This is the truth that will set you free.

I have seen chronic depressions and life-long anxieties lift overnight.
I have seen deeply embedded traumas evaporate.
I have seen fibromyalgia, life-long migraines, chronic fatigue, unbearable back pain, bodily tension, stomach disorders, vanish, never to return.

Of course, the ‘side-effects’ of truth aren’t always this dramatic.
And we don’t step into our truth with a result in mind.
But think of the massive amounts of energy it must take
to repress our animal wildness,
numb our feral nature,
suppress our rage, tears and terror,
uphold a false image, and pretend to be ‘okay’.
Think of all the tension we hold in the body,
and the damage it does to our immune systems,
when we live in fear of ‘coming out’.

Take the risk of telling your truth.
The truth you are afraid to tell.
The truth you fear will make the world run.
Find a safe person – a friend, a therapist, a counsellor, yourself –
and let them in. Let them hold you as you break down.
Let them love on you
as you weep, rage, quake with fear,
and generally make a mess.

Tell your fucking truth to someone – it might just save your life, heal you from deep within, and connect you to humanity in ways you never imagined.

Tolerance – a rare virtue

It is not the first time when I feel as I am from another planet.
When I come across, experience something that I, although putting in the effort to see it from different angles, can’t make sense of, don’t understand it at all, then I get this feeling, surely I am an ‘alien’.

Now it got me about reading/hearing some news from the US.

So, let’s talk about tolerance.
Although I don’t think those of you reading me are having a problem knowing what it means, but just to be thorough, here is the definition of this word:
‘The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.’

The news from the US is, that now they are after drag shows and also are putting out restrictions against trans people.
The lawmakers claim, it is in defence of children.
Drag shows are forbidden to happen on public places, or in the presence of children.
At the same time they banned transgender minors to receive gender affirming care.
These are already laws signed into effect in some states.

No experts were listened to, no arguments against were accepted.

In addition, I find it disgusting how children get used in order to support some lawmaker’s fear/ignorance/identity crisis.
What I mean is, that whomever started against trans people and drag queens, I am sure has one or some combination of the mentioned 3 options.
Especially, that when it comes to child molestation, child abuse, statistics show that those are mainly committed by white, Christian (on paper), straight man. You know, teachers, priests, respected members of society.
Not once was it a drag queen.

Not too long ago the same law makers were all over, and ‘inside’ of women’s bodies by banning abortion.
Also saying, it is in defence of children.

Strange, isn’t it!?
As for example, there, in the US, statistics say, 12 children die daily due to gun violence.
Yet there is not even a slight hint that some laws would change and that, let’s say, buying a gun would be made more difficult than to buy a loaf of bread.

All that, to me, makes it crystal clear that children are simply used in order to get some (not too smart, narrow minded) people on their side.

So, how does tolerance come into the picture?

As I said above, I am 100% sure, those people starting such laws are without knowledge of what they are talking about so they are ignorant, or they are having some knowledge but no full understanding and have fear of the different, and of course there are those who have an identity crisis as they do have certain feelings/emotions but have no idea how to deal with those.
So they lash out.
Only, unfortunately they have the power to make laws.
And with such laws they are hoping to gain citizens to support them, to keep them in power.

The big problem here though is that those supporters, and the ones making such laws are not seeing the big picture. And that is not unique to the US, it is a worldwide story.
Such people don’t see the big picture, the historical picture, the shit that had already happened, that were all caused by intolerance.
One can go back in history as far or as recent as one wants, there are countless examples.
Atheists were targets, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists were targets, black people, indigenous people, ill people, people with knowledge of natural remedies, different ethnicities, those with different political views were already targets at one or more times in history, this list is endless.

What amazes me is that how people don’t realise that winds can turn anytime, that means one can fall into a target category in a split second.
All, because some politician/leader have some personal dislike or issue with certain type of people or use it as a tactic to cover up other, huge problems, and have the power/money to start a war (literal of figurative) against them.
And thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions follow them in the false hope that by supporting that particular ‘war’ will save them to be a target in a possible next one.

It is impossible to understand, know and agree with everyone in this world and that is just natural, that is normal, and no one is expected to.
But not understanding, not knowing someone, not agreeing with someone does not give the right to anyone to wipe out, to cancel those people.

Especially that certain things are simply because of nature/genes/biology.
Others are a choice and because every human being is blessed with free will and at most part of the world are able to use it, can make their own choices.

So next time when your intolerance gets to the level of active hatred, to exclusionary bullshit, just think for a moment, you can be next!

Who knows what the next agenda is going to be!?
Might be because of wearing or not wearing something, because of believing in or not believing in something, because of any part of your physical appearance, because of what kind of a pet you have or don’t have, because who do you love, how do you love, because of how and/or how often you have sex, because of what colour you like or dislike … it can be anything!
Hate can be generated easily about whatever, in a pretty short time.

The only cure, in my opinion, is to understand that we are all human beings, the only differentiation that is legit, is whether one is a good or a bad person.
Anything else is an artificially generated, power and money driven crap.

The more people understand this, the more people start to practice tolerance, the more difficult it will be for certain powers to push people around to serve their egos.

Please understand, a different colour, belief system, origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or different anything is only that, different!
It has no real effect on you, on your life.

When you get triggered by someone or something and it pushes you into an intolerant thinking and/or behaviour, or you find yourself believing what you were told/indoctrinated by, just stop for a moment, and look into yourself.
What has triggered you?
Could it be that you are jealous of that difference, because deep down you know you want to be like that, only you don’t dare? Or your communication skills are lacking and instead of asking, or of looking for facts (not opinions!) about that difference, you simply get defensive and dismissive? Or is it a doctrine you were brought up with by your family and you simply keep carrying it without ever examining its truth?
Oh so many times it is something within, that makes you to be intolerant.
When you realise that, you can start working on yourself and find your power in thinking for yourself, deciding, forming an opinion for yourself, and not just run with what was fed to you.

You don’t have to like, nor agree, just let everyone be, tolerate their differences, so in return, you have the right to be yourself too and can expect to be tolerated by others too.

Tolerance is a step towards a more harmonious, kinder, better world.

Think, chill, enjoy, love!
Be one of the good people!

Communication tripping stones

The other day I posted a comment on Facebook.
The original post was nicely written and with a question to all who cared to answer, and as you could guess it, some of the answers were not written with goodwill, and some were not even on the subject.
So, after reading them all, I wrote this (slightly edited version here):

‘Here is how I see it (nothing personal, it is what I am seeing, experiencing in general, so if it is not you, then just don’t take offence): we all are expats in here.
It is not England, it is not the US, it is not any other place.
Here people are differently socialized, have different culture, different taste in food, different in many ways.
When you are complaining that the English breakfast at place xyz is served with not English sausage, than it is your problem, not the establishment’s.
As I see it, many places are trying to accommodate your wanting a homey feeling away home, only it seems it is not enough for you … so maybe just pack your bitter soul and go back home, where everything is as you got used to, everything is as you want it to be.
On the other hand, many things are similar.
Like when you go in to a place and you smile and greet the people working in there, they will appreciate it.
When a door was closed, you went in and you don’t close it, so the staff or other patrons have to close it behind you, they won’t be happy.
When you don’t speak the local language and you don’t even ask if they can help you in English, you just assume they can’t and walk away upset because they didn’t speak to you automatically in English, locals will not be happy either.
For many some more common sense, understanding of where you are, a bit more effort to fit in wouldn’t hurt.
And when you don’t like how life is here then just move on.
Have no right to expect the locals to change into English or American or whatever other ways.’

And then someone answered this to me:
‘Please think about not using the word expat – it’s outdated, post-colonial and politically insensitive. I for one do not identify with this narrative. We are all immigrants.’

My answer to him was:
‘English is not my first language, so I checked the Oxford Dictionary:
expat – a person who lives outside their native Country
immigrant – a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign Country’

He never replied to this one.

And I wasn’t even adding this from Wikipedia:
‘An expatriate is a person who resides outside their native country. In common usage, the term often refers to educated professionals, skilled workers, or artists taking positions outside their home country, either independently or sent abroad by their employers.’

The website was built exactly for such people. Now with over 3.200.000 members, it is helping all those expats all over the world to find their ways easier in their new location, to connect with others, to have a better experience.
And none seem to have an issue with the term: expat.

Why am I bringing all this here, into a blog post?
Because it shows some (unfortunately) usual communication glitches.

One is being, although I wrote quite a bit, and yes, it was about expats/immigrants but not about how they are called, but their behaviour was the subject which he ignored completely.
He decided to pick one word that he didn’t agree with and comment on that.
Nothing about the original question, nothing about my answer to it.
This is a typical case of non-comprehension of a text.

And this is a reason why you are never responsible for what people understand of what you say or write, as they will perceive it on their own level of understanding, knowledge, openness.
Now this guy is a stranger to me, so I don’t mind him not getting the real meaning of what I wrote.
Plus he unintentionally provided the idea for this blog post 😉

Of course, when you feel someone who is important to you didn’t get what you were really saying or writing, then by all means try to explain it with different words, try using a different angle to make yourself understood.
Communication is vital in life in general, communication is vital in a relationship.
So when you want someone to get you, then you have to put in the effort to help them tune in to your logic, your ways of seeing things.
And of course, you have to be open to accept their different logic and different ways of seeing things.
The aim is to find that magical place where you both (all) feel heard, paid attention to, respected and understood.

The other thing for me, is that he says he does not approve of my choice of word, so he ‘corrects’ it and uses his preferred word ‘we all are immigrants’.
With this he basically declared that I was wrong, and he is right.
Thinks him.
But even the dictionary does not support him.

So, this brings me to say, that next time when you don’t ‘approve’ or ‘agree’ with someone’s choice of word or opinion, you simply say (if you must) that you have another preferred word instead, that you have a different opinion.

Because regardless of whatever, whenever, wherever, you are entitled to choose your own words, to have your own opinion.
You are entitled to have one that is different to the majority’s, that is unpopular, that is rare, that is unique.
What you are, on the other hand, never entitled to, is to cancel someone else’s words, or opinion just because you don’t like it, you don’t approve of it.

Kindness, mutual respect, acceptance, open heart and open mind.
Values worth having, values worth practicing.
In my opinion.

Is cheating inevitable?

Lately all the tabloids and social media platforms are full of the stories around the new songs of Shakira, BZRP Music Sessions #53 ( ) and Miley Cyrus, Flowers (  ).
Both singers were pouring their thoughts, pain, anger about being cheated on into their respective songs.
These instances only show being cheated on can happen to anyone, and that anyone can become a cheater at any level of the ‘social ladder’. No position, no money, no fame, no nothing makes anyone protected against it.

Cheating is so common that even a site/app was made to help all those who are looking for some discreet spice outside of their existing relationship. is up and running since 2001 and claims to have 75 million members worldwide.
Their ‘moto’ is: ‘Life is short. Have an affair.’

No judgement. All people can do as they please.
Just of course know, and be ready for that your actions have possible/inevitable consequences.
No whining when shit hits the fan, please.

The psychology of cheating is way more complex than as if it was just about sex.
Reasons behind cheating can be:
– anger: one wants to ‘payback’ for the other’s cheating, or as a revenge after a serious argument
– self-esteem issues: through cheating one wants to feel better about themselves, or want to feel more independence, autonomy through it
– lack of feeling love: from both angles, like one doesn’t feel loved or one is not sure about loving their partner and wants to ’check’ it
– frustration: there are unsolved issues in the relationship, but one wants to avoid conflict and searches for relief outside
– needing some variety: basically, that person is just not cut out for a monogamous relationship
– neglect: emotionally and/or sexually feeling abandoned
– at times it is so called situational: when one is drunk or overwhelmed by outside stressors and so are not thinking straight and are just taken by the flow of things
–  sex: because of sexual differences, like one need way more than the partner is willing to give, or one denies certain acts that would be important/pleasurable for the other and so on.

Actually, I believe there are situations when an ‘outside’ connection can even help the relationship to thrive.
Like when one of the partners become sexually incapable to perform maybe due to an illness or accident, but the other partner still has such needs. So, they discuss, agree on and the one with needs goes and have discreet liaisons.
… fair enough, that is no cheating anymore as long as it stays within the discussed and agreed on frames.

The bottom line is, as always, that in order to have a great, mutually satisfying long term relationship, ongoing, honest communication is a must!

When you are not discussing all the surfacing issues, when you are not listening to each other, when you fall into too many assumptions instead of asking questions, when you are not showing your commitment towards each other, when you are not open, vulnerable, caring, loving, interested and invested in each other but there are logistic reasons and/or excuses like lifestyle, children, financial situation, family expectations, whatever not, why one or both of you decide to rather just keep quiet and get on with it, then by all means, do not be surprised when cheating occurs.

If nothing made you to take care of your relationship earlier, if nothing pushed you to solve the issues, or make a move, then let me tell you this: after cheating most of the couples break up!
Most means as high as 80% of the couples are not making it.

They are not making it because on top of all the things that had not been dealt with and led to the cheating, now here is the question of if trust can be rebuilt, if the cheated on can forgive and truly let go of it and not keep bringing it up and pointing fingers at any signs of problems from there on.

And in about 80% of the cases, it is not working out.

So maybe you want to give it another thought, whether wouldn’t it be less painful, less messy, less degrading if you now decided to put more effort into your relationship (only of course if you want to keep having it and enjoy it at its best, to the fullest) and have some deep, detailed, heart to heart talk with your partner and start working for each other, than keep going as is and might face the damaging effects of a cheating.

Love, trust, care, intimacy is worth working for.

You know what you want, go for it!

They don’t care …

Since it’s still January, and the energies only recently are turning completely into the “new momentum” of 2023 (and because there is a lot of negative, shitty, depressing news and happenings coming at us from the world), I feel that a rougher “I’ll help you sort yourself out” type of writing wants to be here.

Buckle your seatbelts!

I am not interested in the so-called big politics, I am not interested in the few “dark knights” who supposedly are ruling the world, I am not interested in the world economy … on the level, that all kinds of, for a good amount of money turned into ass-licker, media serve it to us, “average people”.
I am not interested, because I’ve known for some time that many things have nothing to do with reality, that a large percentage of them are bent along certain interests, and that the truth, the complete truth, is damn hard to find out, if it’s ever possible at all.

In this I got my first lesson when I was still working in film production.
Fact, that was the deciding moment about the tabloid category I knew “well, I won’t believe a word they say in the future”.

It just so happened that an article was published in which an actor was torn to shreds about what he did some nights earlier.
The “only” problem was that that actor filmed with us on that ominous evening described in the article, hundreds of kilometers away from the location indicated in the article.
As it turned out, that piece was also part of a campaign trying to discredit that actor.

This is where this process started for me.

Then it continued when I worked in tourism.
Somehow I learned that there are awards and recognitions that almost anyone can win, it’s all just a matter of money and “bribe” and “venality”.

Then, when I was already active as a coach, I noticed that there are widely known people who call themselves coaches and motivational speakers, who, without batting an eye, use materials, make statements, express thoughts, but just “forget” to mark and mention their origin.

For the “perpetrators” in all 3 mentioned categories it still works today … because of you.
Because of the average person.
After all, the tabloids sell to you; in tourism, these companies show their awards to you, to make themselves more attractive to you; and “coaches” and “motivational speakers” also profit from you with their unoriginal, stolen materials that are used without indicating the source.

How is all this possible?
That you don’t ask, you don’t check, you just “eat” what they put in front of you.

And this is exactly why big politics, the world economy, and the “dark knights” or anyone can feed/sell anything to the masses.

Well, and as unpleasant as it sounds, it starts with you.

In the way that you were taught that superiors cannot be questioned.
That old people should be respected.
That x is something you have to believe in, to be considered as a good person.
That you are a “real” man if you work yourself half dead and provide for your family and don’t show your emotions.
That you are a “real” woman if you give birth, excel in washing, cooking, cleaning and put everyone before yourself.
I won’t continue, I think you feel it.

Against all these:
Why wouldn’t the superiors be asked? When and how did they become infallible?
Just because someone is old doesn’t mean they deserve respect.
A few hundred or a few thousand kilometers away, something else is considered to be the definition of a good person.
“Real” is not an adjective that can be defined socially as a whole, but can only and exclusively be given by the partner, so this adjective has (also) infinite interpretations.

So that you wouldn’t need to fight every day with who is covering you with what, be it the media or any social network, you have to whip yourself, your life into shape.
In order to be able to live what and how you really want, first you need to know yourself, to know who you really are, what you want, what things and values are important to you.
And you also need to know: we are not the same and that is wonderful. So you don’t have to become anything if you don’t feel that as your identity. You do the best for yourself and for the world, when you are your authentic self.

And I shouldn’t even ask, if media workers can lie without batting an eye, if companies can buy themselves certain recognitions, if those who award them can be corrupted, if coaches and motivational speakers can reach the masses with plagiarized material, then why shouldn’t lie the stars off of the sky the politicians, those who manage the world economy, the “dark knights”?

I don’t think this current “order” from the top down will ever change for the better.
However, I do believe that if more and more of us, the “average people” understand,
that everyone has the right to live their own life as they wish (as long as it does not cause any harm to others),
that we cannot take out our frustrations about our own lives on others,
that if we do not erase, rewrite certain parts of our history, but face them and learn from them,
if we try not to do anything to others that we would hate to happen to us,
if we tried to help each other more, support each other better,
if allowing, understanding, care and love would rule the critical mass,
then we can achieve that there are no people in politics and on social networks who shout the opposite of all these for their own personal (usually purely material) interests.

It could be a much better, more liveable, significantly more harmonious, happier place, all it takes, is that we don’t wait for the “big guys”, always for someone else to do something!?!
We should do it!
The “average people”, the you and the me.

PS: In 1991 and 1995 Michael Jackson already sang all this … it would be time to act …