
Another kind of loathsome

In recent days I experienced something that triggered me.
Nothing devastating only sad, discouraging and/or annoying.
But then again, the more I was thinking about it, the more I thought that indeed it is something big and serious, although commonly we just wave it off, shrug and move on.

This action is, in general, get to be talked about a lot – now I am not getting into of what I think of the how – but this subspecies of the act, I feel is getting overlooked.

It is abuse, specifically the abuse of time.

Abuse is often subject of discussions, of warnings, of certain teachings of what to be careful about and how to recognise signs of it as early as possible.
These talks are mainly about physical, emotional, sexual and sometimes about organizational/institutional abuse.
They are much needed discussions and people must be made aware of how they can protect themselves from it or if they had already fallen victim of, then how to get out of, recover from any of such experience.
Nowadays various kind of help is available to those suffering from any of it, so once they realize and admit to themselves that this is what is happening to them, they have the chance to ask for help and recover, eventually.

But if one’s time gets abused?
By someone who is constantly late without any acceptable reason?
By someone who constantly cancels at the very last moment and so screwing up your plans?
Or if after a few hours or days, you discover that the other’s motives in a discussion/connection, let it be business or private, were exclusively selfish, with only their own interest and sake in their mind but all that was presented to be as a possible mutually beneficial communication?
Of course, we can emotionally overcome of such crap fast, saying that ‘shit happens’, not all are as they say they are.

But the real pain here is that time can not be recovered!
Time that we tend to take for granted.
Time that could have been better spent.
Time that never comes back, never can be relived.
Time that never waits, never stops.

When anyone around you shows signs of such irresponsible, even if lightly but abusive behaviour, call them out on it.
They might not even have been aware of the nature of such doing.
Do not let it slide!
Call attention to it while it is ‘small’, you might just be able to stop someone growing into a more serial/serious kind of an abuser.

By all means you’d be demolishing the ‘I didn’t realize’ excuse, at least.


From the Cambridge English Dictionary:
Abuser is someone who treats another person in a cruel, violent or unfair way.
Someone who uses something in a way that is harmful or morally wrong.

Fallen angels – a ‘what if’ concept

In a recent discussion where we were talking about life, relationships, sex, music, he showed me a song.
In its lyrics fallen angels were mentioned … that started some thoughts in me …

What if we – people –  were all fallen angels?
What if we really all are children of God?
What if life, as we call it here on Earth, is a process we are sent to go through to learn?
What if Earth is the school of Heaven?
What if we all really are coming from and going to the same place?
What if soul is real and is eternal?
What if our soul is our angelic being?

For many of you, I guess, it sounds crazy but bare with me a bit longer, please.

Angels do not have a hierarchy, have no race, no colour, no religion, no possessions.
All they have, all they are, is love.
They see each other as same.

So, if it was the truth, we were all fallen (to Earth) angels, would that help you to see yourself and others in a different light?
Would that help you to understand that you are no less, no more than the next person?
Would this make it a bit lighter to deal with jerks around you because then they are only playing a role in your life so you can complete your learning?
Would that help you to deal with death a little easier, since if this scenario is the truth, then it means one goes when the task, the learning is done, and the soul is getting back into its angelic being?

Yes, I know, a lot of ‘but-s’ are coming … my only ‘but’ though, is that if this is helping you in any way to get onto better terms with yourself, to make it even a tad bit easier to get that grip on life, to see love as a never ending source in you, then might as well you can take it and use it.

What if we all are fallen angels with a mission, with some dark and some light in all of us and what if denying any of this means denying our true nature?


Celebrating another ‘day’

… so today is International Women’s day, today women young and old are celebrated in the most part of the world …
Those women who on other days get mum-shamed, body shamed, abused verbally, mentally, physically, raped and then pointed finger at and said she asked for it … and so on.

There are other ‘precious’ days in the calendar too, like Valentine’s Day when lovers show their love to their partner through gifts and gestures and the day before and after keep cheating on them, keep degrading them, don’t appreciate them.

Or there is Father’s Day when those men get elevated onto a pedestal for their amazing fatherness. Only the day before and after they get ignored, criticised for how they hold their own child, get told off that they are the worst why they allow/accept this or that for/in their children.

And the list could go on but you get the idea.

We have plenty of celebrations, special days written in the calendar and to comply with societal expectations we do our best to show we do know those days, we do what is expected.
Just have a look at any of the social media sites. All are there and showing (off) their feelings and gifts.

By now I am sure you sense it, I am not the biggest fan of such ‘special days’.
In my world if you are in love then you love every day, if you have a mother/father and you think they are the best then you feel like that all year round, if you appreciate and respect women then you do that all day and every day … and if you are not then don’t be a joke to ‘play nice’ for that one day for the ‘colleagues/neighbours to see’.

As for me, I feel it sickening and hypocritical when I see all the dirt, nastiness, attacks, criticism flowing like an endless river only being (kind of) stopped for one day in the year to celebrate certain groups of people.
In my ideal world we would all be caring, loving and allowing.
We would stop constantly looking over the fence into other’s gardens and give them unsolicited advice, opinion.
Rather, we would look around way more in our own world, keep looking into our own mirror to keep working on getting a nicer, better reflection.

Just stop complying with those, often only imagined, societal expectations.
Be the genuine, authentic, kind and caring person who you really are (or aspiring to be) all year round, regardless of the special title of the day.

Celebrate if you want to and know that you don’t have to!

About ‘it’

Although countless invisible it is around us, one took over the world by having the largest press cover, major PR and full-blown marketing.

What it brings in its tow it is even more disturbing.
Because what this thing really is or is about, is with a high chance we will never fully find out but for sure, a point in time will come when it will be gone.
What it has brought, more than its it-ness will stay with us unfortunately way longer.

With its widespread and crafted publicity it managed to drive a huge wedge between people.
They started labelling one another like ‘believers’ and ‘deniers’.

Open any social media, start any conversation, be anywhere, connect to anyone and in about 2 minutes it will be the subject and arguments will start.
Often fierce ones and many times in a petty manner.
It will be about if it is real or not, if it is deadly or not, whether to wear a mask or not, if quarantine is a good solution or not …
… while people don’t seem to realize that they got forced out of their own lives, got pulled into a nasty ‘soap opera’ where they pretend that the world can be stopped.
It can’t. It won’t. Earth is spinning and life goes on. Regardless.

It got so loud that it shouts louder than many facts, like
– domestic violence cases are growing in numbers fast
– health care systems are falling apart and people are dying of fully unrelated illnesses
– millions lost their jobs, businesses
– education got messed up and at many cases stopped
– mental health issues are at an alarming high … and the list goes on.

In the meantime due to the sweeping it campaign people got blindsided and are not realizing that their choices, dignity, freedom, life got taken away from them.

Pointing fingers at, arguing with, accusing another person will not help your scarily well planted fears.
Will not make you feel better, lighter but actually the exact opposite.

What I believe in, is that now we really need to be there for one another.
Compassion, caring and love are the tools we need to use.

Although the surface is nothing but it, below it life keeps giving challenges to each and every one of us.
There are physical and material losses, heartbreaks, pains as well as are amazing, happy moments, new beginnings.
Life did not stop. It is in progress, it is happening, it is not waiting for anyone, for anything.

Before you fall into the next bitter argument about it, think!
It is fact and it is a universal law that the more we talk, think of, entertain any idea, thought or story, the more present it will be in our lives.
So although it is a huge, dark cloud above us all, just make the effort to feel better, to do better, to be better.

Don’t be the virus but be the cure!

The controversy about Time

How many times you heard ‘you have time’ or ‘take your time’ and I am sure you also heard what Buddha said: ‘The biggest mistake is you think you have time’.

Personally, I do believe that one of the biggest mistakes people make in life is to sit back and believe the mirage that one has time.

How often you are like ‘I can do that later’, ‘maybe some other time’, ‘will call/talk/do/meet/see later’ … but then you realize, the opportunity is gone, that place got closed down, the person is gone …
Acknowledged it, let it slip by, didn’t even take notice of it, took it for granted … and that makes you part of the vast majority of humans who don’t realize the seriousness of time till something unchangeable, something (usually) tragic won’t happen to you.

You heard it and done it all, I guess.

Also, I am sure you heard the solution too. Here I am just reminding you of it. It is no witchery, it is kinda simple.
In fact, though we people divide time into 3 parts – past, present, future – you only need to concentrate on your relationship to present.
That is what matters.
That is the what matters only.

The past is gone, can’t change it, the future is not here yet, can’t know it.

Unless you understand this already, unless you seize it already, I encourage you to heal this relationship first, before any other relationships.
Once you become friends, you accepted time’s predictable passing and realized what now really means, your life will get in the flow, you’ll arrive to now and from there on will live all your life in the now and will appreciate it and make the most of it.

Shakespeare summed it up beautifully by writing: ‘time is very slow for those who want, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who are sad and very short for those who celebrate but for those who love, it is eternal’.

Time is a reliable part of life. It is always there, always the same, never judges, never makes exceptions.
It is you, the individual, who makes friends with it or who treats it as enemy.
It is all in your head, in your thoughts, in your feelings.
And this is great news because unless you and time are already best of friends, all is in your power to change this relationship for the better!

Enjoy your time!